

Like hitting a rock with a hammer, life hits us hard sometimes. Tell us a story about the hardships in your life.

When I saw this prompt,even after almost choosing 4or 5 others before it.I immediately chose this one...I guess I should pen it out.
Hardships,hmmmm.Ive experienced,Battleships,Memberships,Partnerships,Relationships,Spaceships .OwnershipsPirateships. Cruise ships.....

I would have to say ships are really popular,The least popular being the Hardships.
Well at the present time this ship has to be the hardest one to date.I lost my brother in December,Unknowingly. And when I realized it, and it was confirmed it had been more than a month already .When I showed up at the creamatory the lady informed me that his ashes had been taken out to sea and dumped with hundreds of other peoples ashes.I guess that's what they do when no one promptly claims your body? Never the less I was devastated.Not only did I not get to say goodbye,those people made a decision to Dump my brother in the sea,like chum bait.My friend had to physically pick me up and carry me out of that crematory because I was going over the counter at the lady that told me as she looked down her nose at me.PHeW!:That was a close one.But I had no idea that there were people that had the authority to make executive decisions like that with your remains.But after I calmed down and was able to focus and think logically ,I realized why that procedure came in to play in the first place.It still pisses me off but not violently any more.Now I'm just melancholy.His name was John Vernon Harness Jr.and he was my brother and a very dear friend.He was in my life for 53 years ,He was the last male of my immediate bloodline.
I am the last female
You know I didn't realize that being the baby of the family ment that I would be all alone without all of them some day.When I stop to think about it ,I watched all of them die,Held most of their hands in their last moments. What a privilege and a curse right?It really never dawned on me the part I would play in the circle of my life.They all knew but never pointed it out to me.Fuckers! Nah I wouldn't have it any other way.Except I'd be filthy stinkin (pause )rich,That's all I am being very vaig and leaving so many tastey morsels out but I've never been one to carry on about the things that pull my heart strings,I just cut them suckers really short so it makes them harder to grab.
( pause.). I havnt even mourned his death or dealt with his belongings or anything.This is my first verbal and written acceptance of his absence.
By the way I called him Bubba, because when I was lil I couldn't say brother,
I can look back and hit play on the VHS in my head and he is right there in every tape.He was 10 years older than I and if I don't know anything else I know that he is watching over me.Becouse I can feel him here with me.In some weird orby kinda way.Also he was Never far from me no matter where I moved he always seemed to end up around the corner from me.He made my dad a promise that he would look out for me.I don't think I ever got the chance to thank him pause... For that, he wouldn't admit it but I (pause). always knew why he would pop up out of the blue with some story about running from the cops or some job he got transfered to close by.A girl he met ,a family reunion he came to and just never left. Mom being sick,Growing weed,there were so many excuses I could go on and on.
( pause...)He taught me so many things,Like shooting spit balls, Shooting a rifle,Using a sling shot.How to get out of a arm hold if someone comes up from behind you .What and where to hit someone that really counts,All the pressure points,How to roll perfect joints.What plants you can eat and ones that are poisonous.What poison oak looks like.How to ride a motorcycle.Wow! I never wrote down on paper all of the usefull things he gave me.
Pretty fucking cool.(pause)
There was a time I use to get mad at him for just popping up in my life,I wished I never did.I just didn't understand because he never explained.In hind sight everything is20/20.
So true.....I don't consider him a hardship but living without him is a very hard ship to sail on.
I have a life time of memories and they will often fill my eyes and roll down my cheeks.

© Oceans......