

How to waste your life, follow these if you want to destroy your career!!
There are so many people around us who continuously waste their precious time on phones,playing mobile games,video games,and watching useless web series content. I can understand that all this entertainment refreshes you and makes you feel relaxed,but you should put aside certain time daily on these stuff and not to waste the whole day on such non-productive stuff.

Now,I am going to share with you 4 such habits if you have to waste your life!! Check if you have any one of them from the habits listed below. If yes,please do change it or replace it with a good habits to change your career,lifestyle,and relationship as a whole. Lets start;

WATCH TELEVISION: These days many people spend nearly 8 hours in front of TV set watching useless news which hamper their creativity and understanding of the surrounding. We become so negative that it act as a brain washing device.TV is nothing but a "Tell A Lie Vision" in simple terms.It really destroys yours decision making ability and respond to the situation positively.

ALWAYS SAYING "YES": We all have a bad habit to say "yes" to everything whether it is good or not good for us to enjoy pleasures and gratification at the moment. Stop being a nice guy!!.Make your goals your priority and always have a plan to work upon it.Learn to prioritize your life and work.

PERFECTIONISM : These days everyone want's to achieve perfection in their work,if they can't they just quit the work and move ahead. Never run behind it. Just focus more on how you can be the best than the previous task rather than being perfect 100% of time. Compete with yourself to bring about a greater change in your attitude,thoughts and deeds.

SOCIAL MEDIA: Social media has destroyed our life maximum amount of time after TV set.Most of the adults spend 70% of time scrolling down the feed and laughing on useless stuff's. Only about 3% of adults have written goals in their life and these are the only ones who achieve success in their life,believe me or not. I know you have to be socially connected,but decide a time for it. Don't just go on and on throughout the day.