

Chapter 3. Create Curiosity

If I say that I know everything, I stop myself from knowing more. Because knowing everything means completeness of knowledge which is not possible at all. If I say that everything is going great in my life and I am completely sure, then I stop myself from moving forward. Because if I feel fulfilled in my life, I will deprive myself of much more success. Perfection of knowledge and certainty marks the end of progress. Insensibility and uncertainty are the root of progress. Ignorance means lack of knowledge which generates curiosity and uncertainty compels to bring perfection in every work. For completeness we need facts and to find these facts we have to dig deep. The more we delve deeper and collect facts, the more things become clear. This clarity is the means of approaching perfection. For this we have to make hard efforts and curiosity plays an important role in easing these hard efforts. What if whatever work you do to fulfil your dreams and aspirations, no matter how difficult it is, you do not feel any difficulty in doonga it, but enjoy it. Yes _ Curiosity not only reduces the difficulty but also makes us feel the feeling of joy in doing difficult tasks. Having curiosity in life is like magic.

if you want to know more about creating curiosity and also want to explore your real happiness then read my Book.

© Sunita Saini (Rani)
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