simple student no one else!
we all may face the illusion of perfection somehow as we re growing up . though we all believe that we re perfectly imperfect , we tend to seek and struggle a lot to be perfect😑
as far as im concerned, i used to study harder seeking great marks, grades and many positive compliments from my parents , mates , friends and especially "the perfection illusion makers" as i called them , my teachers.
well, at first i used to get proud of myself once i got a compliment from them or flatter after getting goid marks and doing...
as far as im concerned, i used to study harder seeking great marks, grades and many positive compliments from my parents , mates , friends and especially "the perfection illusion makers" as i called them , my teachers.
well, at first i used to get proud of myself once i got a compliment from them or flatter after getting goid marks and doing...