

unbelievable..... [dialogues] (11)
Note:- read first 3 comments before reading.
S.b:- ok girls! Time to go home. Afterall tmrw is your bday Junior. So many preparations are to b done.
Oliver who arrived rn:- hello bhaiya! Hey olivia can u come and meet me in the backyard of your house at 12:00 midnight?
S.b:- 😡 😡(he moves his hand forward to punch Oliver but olivia stops him)
Olivia:- it's ok bro! There are some stupid people living having no idea wht they are saying and don't hv brains to think before speaking. It's not your fault but still leave him or else his parents will take some unnecessary actions against u.
Oliver:- no no oli.i will never let u or your family fall in trouble specially because of me or my family 😘.
S.b:- 👊🏻 💢 😡.
🐺:- Huh!! Theese brothers are really the thorns in Any love relationship🤦🏻‍♀️.
Snow:- hey olivia keep cool chilling different flavours of ice cream ok?
Bs:- and yea the cake should have spider's image on it.
L.w:- and there should be a world of imaginations just like there are in animated movies.
Dreamer:- Hmm i ws dreaming the same thing. Was dreaming that i marry my ociel in that imagination world.
V.h:- yea already olivia's life is not less than any animated movie 🤣🤣.
Dg:- aha I'll keep a lot of diamonds as your bday gifts.
Punam:- who tells her own gift before giving it? 🤨
Olivia:- this was the only gift expected from her and sweet deccan chocolates from D.s.c. 🙃.
D.s.c:- hmmm uk me quite well. 😂
M.s:- don't worry olivia i won't gift u books and pencils as your gift.
Olivia:- ik ik. U'll handover list of tricks how to come closer to a boy. So that u can see little love in my and Oliver's anti love story. 😑
A.s:- aha! Guys the biggest guess it wht will Oliver be preparing for her love 😍
N.c:- bingo! I was wondering the same.
Spark:- hmmm something gonna surely happen in this party too 🤫😽😆🤓.
A.m:- ofc! how can anything ever be normal in abnormal olivia's life. 😂
© caption pls :) - Riddhi ;-)
Caption:- it's 1 min. See you tmrw.