

Magic Wizards Ep 6: Closer and New Threats (Part 2)

Today's Read: Filled with more observing talks. Is there already an enemy in Tanner for Quincy? Will Rege tell Rj the truth? Will the truth ruin their friendship? If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Ep 6: Closer and New Threats

After class, the wizards were walking together as normal. Each by their side. And feeling as if someone was watching them from behind, Rege turned around. Tanner was right behind them walking to catch up.

"Can we walk faster please?" he turned back around.

"Why? What's with you and the new kid?" Quincy looked and saw Tanner.

"Nothing, I just..."

Before he could finish Tanner had interrupted, catching up to the wizards with a big smirk on his face.

"Hey Rege. Long time no see."

He felt really uncomfortable being there. He wasn't sure how to approcah or what to even say. But Quincy and Rj stopped to observe, leaving Rege with no choice. They faced him, and Rege took a deep breath before finally speaking.

"Tanner, look i don't have time. Just let me go ok?"

"Why I just got here though, can I meet your friends?" he asked viewing Rj and Quincy from head to toe. Mostly Rj.

"Ahhh you look familiar. Madison's ex right?"

"Yeah, wait how did you know?" he questioned looking curious and then at Rege guessing he had something to do with it.

"Oh, because your little friend over here. Rege use to talk to me and he told me all about you. Right Rege?!" Putting one hand on his shoulder.

It made him even more uncomfortable then he already was. He knew that if Rj ever found out the truth that whatever friendship him and Rj had might be completely over.

"Look can you please go and leave us alone?" ignoring Tanner's question.

"Alright fine fine." Tanner reacted putting both hands in the air.

"I'll leave you and your little friends alone."

He was about to walk away but started eyeing Quincy again. Quincy eyed back with a sharp look as if they were arch enemies.

"Who's this friend of yours?" Tanner asked again.

"What did i say?" Rege hesitated.

"What he seems intresting." he said and winked. It gave Quincy the creeps on the inside kinda.

"Alright I'll just go but I want to hear more about your little friends later, especially this one. Maybe you need to check him." he chuckles walking away before Quincy can say anything.

"Sorry about him. This is why i told you to walk fast." Rege apologized.

"Whatever. There is totally something else but you don't want to say it, but anyways that was weird." Quincy finished still watching him walk away.

"There's nothing else. Im serious" making himself sound convincing.

"Well whoever he is, I already don't like him." Rascals butted in.

"I don't think I do either, and Rege. You can't just go around telling people's business like that." Rj said next. They continued to walk again.

"I'm sorry. Tanner isn't a bad guy he just has very high arrogance."

"Uh yeah okay." Quincy said in a smart tone.

"Fine. Don't believe me. I'll see you later. I'm going to call Madison soon anyways. Because I promised her that I would otherwise she's going to get mad again like she still is already.

Before they could say another word he walked away just like that. Rj watched.

"Wow Rege has a lot going on in his life. How much can he take?" Rascals questioned.

"Who knows. Quincy what do u
you think?" Rj asked.

Quincy watched for moment, getting lost in thought. A person shutting a locker made him.come back to reality.

" Well...maybe there's a bit more but then he'll blow up soon. As for that Tanner guy I'd keep an eye on him."

Rj and Rascals agreed.

"Oh and by the way, how has that Tank guy been? You heard from him since?" Rj brought back up.

Quincy and Rascals had not heard from Tank since they day. The thought of it kinda freaked him out. Had he been dead?! Had he just kept quiet about what happened?! Or was he planning his next attack?!

"I don't know, I haven't seen or heard from him since you know...that day"

"Well its only been a few days. I hope he doesn't try anything. Keep me posted. I'll see you guys later."

He walked away while Quincy and Rascals watched. (To be continued...)

#Mystery #Thriller #Suspense #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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