

Nightmare On Planet st
Social isolation had forced an eerie silence upon them. While fear haunted their existence, one question was at the forefront.
When was this going to end?As I sit around with absolutely plenty on my mind to accomplish,
An idea spawns,
The blurry idea gains clarity,
As it comes into focus,
I give it thought for about 30 seconds,
Then I start to put the pieces together,
This tactic of FEAR I've seen before,
Bingo, lightbulb illuminates and the puzzle is complete,
This is the Tactics of Freddy from Elm Street,
Although this should be labeled Nightmare on Planet St.,
The news is the Dream,
The sheep are in entranced by the program as if they are sleep,
It's impossible to see things clearly when you pay too close of attention,
It's called a schotoma,
It's like your keys being in your face,
When you say,
I can't find my keys,
The brain agrees,
Your thoughts are your reality,
Freddy only exist because of FEAR,
Makes you turn on U,
Your fear and constant attention to what's always been present,
The light is so bright only the 1100 loss lives,
Those families I send my highest of vibes
In 2017-18, 61000 died,
36000 die in our nation annually,
The range of deaths on the planet is 290k to 650k from the flu,
You see clear what I'm trying to say,
How ironic for them to say 6ft,
As if we are the walking dead,