

A Love Born in Dreams
In a quiet town nestled between rolling hills and dense forests, lived a man named Arjun. Arjun was an ordinary man by most standards, working a modest job in a local bookstore. Yet, he harbored an extraordinary secret—a deep and abiding love for a woman he had never met, a woman who existed solely in his imagination.

Arjun’s life was routine and predictable. Every morning, he would wake up early, make himself a cup of coffee, and walk to the bookstore. His colleagues and the few regular customers he interacted with knew him as a kind, albeit somewhat reserved, person.

However, behind this calm exterior, lay an unspoken tale of love. In Arjun’s imagination, there was a woman who constantly roamed in his thoughts and dreams. Without ever having met her, he was content with the mere thought of her.

This imaginary woman was named Priya. Priya was an ideal in his thoughts—gentle, strong, and loving. Her smile, though only imagined, spread joy in the corners of his heart. She was a source of peace in his life, giving him support in moments of uncertainty.

Arjun had never seen Priya in real life, but in his mind, she was a living person. He would dream of spending time with her, hearing her laugh and talk. They would travel the world together, finding joy in simple things and celebrating every moment of life in each other’s company.

One quiet evening, Arjun sat under his favorite tree, reading a book. Thoughts of Priya swept over him. He felt sad that he could never meet her in person. Yet in his heart, she always held a special place.

Thoughts of Priya had inspired him. Her imagined presence had boosted his confidence and given him the strength to improve in every aspect of his life. He had become more patient, more loving, and more compassionate.

In the world of his dreams, Priya was always by his side. He could never forget her, for she was an inseparable part of his heart. The hope of meeting her one day gave his life a new direction.

This imaginary love gave Arjun a new zest for life. He was certain that one day, either in reality or in his dreams, he would meet his beloved Priya. In his mind, that day was always transformed into a special, memorable moment.

For that moment, Arjun always cherished Priya in his heart and brightened his life with thoughts of her love.

© Pradip Hogade