

Ungraspable Reflections of an unique dimension
In the depths of my soul, a tempest brews,
A swirling maelstrom of emotions, I cannot refuse.
For she, a siren, claims my love as her own,
Leaving me adrift, feeling utterly alone.

Yet, in this tumult, a revelation stirs,
A truth profound, like a beacon that recurs.
For in hating her, I confront my own reflection,
A mirror to the depths of my affection.

Unconditional love, a gift freely given,
Now twisted and turned, no longer driven
By my own volition, but by her artful guise,
Leaving me ensnared in love's endless ties.

Do I hate her, or is it myself I despise?
For surrendering willingly, beneath love's guise.
In her, I see a reflection of my own desires,
A paradoxical union, fueling love's fires.

So let me embrace this contradiction divine,
For in loving her, I find myself entwined.
A dance of shadows, where hate and love collide,
In the depths of the soul, where truths reside. © BUNNYBEE