

All of a sudden Mark received an email from Fred, and this shocked him to the core, not only because the mail was marked urgent, but also owing to the fact that it was from the same friend who had been brutally murdered 2 years ago. Gathering his senses when he opened the email, it comprised of one single sentence along with a drawing.
When he read this he collapsed to the ground in panic and sorrow and was instantly transported via the weaves of his memories to the year 2018.

13th March 2018 was the day, when he had received the panicked phone call from Fred. As soon as he had lifted the call Fred had said in a hurry; "Mark meet me at Boulder's creek at 9." Before he could question Fred any further, he heard a loud beep sound, which made him realize that Fred had already disconnected the call.

Mark had never seen Fred act so panicked or secretive before. When he looked at the clock and realized that it was already half past 8, he rushed to the creek, but to his dismay he couldn't find anyone there. He decided to wait, and even after waiting for an hour when Fred did not show up, he tried calling him up several times, but when there was no response after repeated calls to his number, he decided to go to Fred's house. As soon as he reached Fred's house, he was met with blaring sounds of siren and blinding lights of cop's cars and ambulance. Panic ripping his soul when he rushed to the front door he was grabbed by 2 cops, and restrained, when he tried to look past them he was met with an extremely gory scene. He saw Fred lieing on his stomach with arms stretched out as if he was trying to escape. His coat was tattered and drenched in blood. His face was a mix of fear and agony with eyes wide open as if looking for means of escape.

It took all the strength in his body to pull himself away, before he tumbled onto the hedge and barfed around the corner of the house.

It had been 2 years but the scene was still fresh in his mind. But gathering courage he picked himself up, sat down and re- read the email and decided that it was about time he found out, what had actually happened to his friend.

Taking a torch with him he reached boulder's creek, on looking around he found a huge rock at some distance, which was placed near the tree marked ♾.A mark which he had made with Fred when they were small kids had to denote their undying friendship. The boulder was covered with algae and moss, which meant it hadn't been touched for long, but something in him told him to push the boulder and check the ground underneath it. Trusting his instincts when he pushed the boulder he found a file with detailed recordings of the murders that were committed in the area 2 years ago with a tattered letter. The letter was addressed to Fred, and appeared to be typewritten, with a single sentence in bold letters; 'STOP SEARCHING OR YOU WILL SOON JOIN THE VICTIM'S LIST THAT YOU HAVE BEEN RESEARCHING SINCE LONG.'

This shocked Mark but at the same time strengthened his resolve to unearth the truth behind Fred's death. Taking the file when he reached home, he found his door ajar. When he went inside the house, he heard footsteps from the first floor of his house. Quickly he rushed to his study and opened his safe. Withdrawing his gun, he creeped to the first floor, and entered the bedroom, and heard a loud crash, when he turned he found a man staring at him. Out of profound fear, reflexly he shot the man, and collapsed to the ground.

In the morning the cops arrived, owing to the neighbor's call to the station, reporting a gun shot that they had heard from the direction of the house. The cops entered the bedroom and started examining the scene and collecting fingerprints. One of the cops with gloves in his hand crouched over the body and looked through the pockets and found a purse, in which there was an I'd card. He announced to his fellow mates; "Apparently the man's name was Mark Spencer, he was a journalist in People's Network."

Another cop, while pointing at a wall, said; " There is a bullet mark on the wall, the walls made of steel, apparently the guy saw his own shadow and thinking it to be intruder, out of panic shot towards the wall which ricocheted back and shot him instead."
The cop with the Mark's purse got up, walked towards the wall, and touched the wall and with curiosity asked; " Any idea why this man had a wall made of steel in his bedroom?." As he moved his hand along the wall he suddenly felt a depression and when he pushed on the depression, he heard a click and all of a sudden the wall moved, exposing the most gruesome scene the cop had ever seen in his life.

The room was covered with all sorts of knives and weapons, with the floor covered by sheets of plastic, which were drenched in blood. There was a table in the center, with a half mutated body on top it. Immediately the cops took pictures, collected evidence and called the forensic team.

As the cops reached the station they called Dr Sullivan, whose visiting card was lieing on the table in the study of the house and asked him to come to the station urgently. When Dr. Sullivan arrived he was asked by the cops, about his relation with Mark, that is when he revealed, thay Mark was his patient, who had been suffering from schizoaffective disorder, which was basically a combination of schizophrenia, mania and depression. When the cops probed into the case further, they realized that the box with various assorted accessories that they had found in the hidden murder room, belonged to 10 victims who were killed 2 years back, of which one was a renowned journalist from the same network ", named FRED MATHEWS.

© Gareema Raju