

To Kill a MockingJay Part II, and the Conclusion
It was Russia who made it worse for it's people on the border of the Safe zone, they made an alliance the four greatest powers in Europe they made Alliance with North Korea.
They made their name known by the first invasion they invaded Poland who saw the worse of it they attacked Ukraine next it was Koreans who attacked the Ukraine what they used was a barberian old style tatic called the flying the venus fly trap where they attack and invade on two sides on the right and on the left, they did that.
The Russians made there armies attack the far west to the north they invaded Austria and so they got closer to the safe borders of the four pillars of Europe Russia was in that once but they decided to go rogue and join forces with another leader.
And so that's when the start of the first Great Chemical War started and they used some potent and toxic chemicals as will.
After that the four pillars that made up the new trade of Europe saw this conflict they tried to retalliate some of their troops and martch on the enemy lines and it worked for the most part and it almost went to a full on range of a war. So after the supreme leader of russia at that time he decided to invade from the sea to attack France from the sea.
So they made a new advance weaponery ship that can attack from the sea and aircraft that held speeders to speed over the sea water to invade the shores with men in landingcrafts can attack as will.
That's how we as the English ended up here again after the first wave of attack the first wave of men made this into a battle to gain all accesses to all powers over the trade in Europe.

The girl puts her hand on my shoulder and drags my attention from the newspaper clippings and I was down there few hours now and the girl helped me to the table where a bowl of hot vegatable stew was sitting and I sit down before her as she takes the seat across from me.
The girl looked happy as she found a friend but to me I felt bad for her living down here in a safety bunker away from the fighting and the war it was safe. She even had a gas mask behind her on the wall I take it that it was hers and so after the meal I get up and take my leave the girl though stands in between the door frame of the bunker trying to stop me.
I had to go but the girl didn't want me to and so I do just that I take hold of her shoulders and stand her aside and I take my leave and go back out into the streets.
I find the exit onto the streets I go and then I enter few of the conflicts spots the safety zone spots that were blocked by few of the traps barricade off by two standing post that crossed one another that had sharp points at the end of them and I ran quietly on the street and I hide behind things to keep my cover safe, and I did just that as I came to a clearing and headed for that.
I was intercepted by a intellgiance officer it seemed like he gave chase to me and I didn't seem he started to run at me I started to run as will he fired few shots at me missing each time he had a gas mask on, and his helmet had the insignia of the jay bird and he kept firing at me with his rifle I cut around a bank off the right and headed straight north through the town, and the intelligance officer kept firing at me.
I turn and fire few shots back at him and I get him with one shot to the leg he falls and I take another shot and fire at him I get him the in the head. He falls face first down on the pavement before me and I turn and ran back towards the north of Mellerioux, and I come to a clearing an arch way.
I stop to see a burning man a statue of the great cathederal of the city burning down and then I get interfeered again by a single Korean man who spots me again starts to scream out something in.
Korean and gives chase once more to me but it was weird though as he did one of the speeders comes charging in bowls him down and knocks him hard into the wall it was one of my men speeders and the piolt didn't see me and he cuts out of there and I kept running. It was getting hard to breath again as the night crept int and fell on the light blue sky and the limited oxygen of breathing of it came in again I quickly remove my helmet and put on my gas mask and kept running.
The oxygen was limited at night and somehow the air space was mixed up so was this night I came to a crossing a man stands before me a Inttelgance officer who spoke two different languages from what I can tell he was part of the Emirates.
My breathing got the best of me I spin around the corner where I was hidding and grab hold of the officer and kept him quiet he didn't have a gas mask and he looking very sickly I shove him up against the wall on the other side his counterparts sat around an open fire breaking things.
I hold the officer up against the wall and he tried to get free but then he did he whristled he takes hold of the neck of my rifle and spins me around and so I hit the back of the wall with my backside, and I use all my force to get him off I use the blunt end of my rifle and knock him in the stomach, and slap him a good one in the face and he fell down to the ground. I turn my rifle around and I drop it and I take out my knife and plunge it into his chest.
After I watched him die I gather up my rifle and put on a bayonet and toss my knife aside and then the sweat marks under my straps started to feel wet on my skin.
Few of the men that were on his side see's that he didn't make it back and few of them came over I had to get out of there.
So I came with an idea I fired few shots at the men I get two at the same time when fired they fall down and to close to the fire the officer who is obivously Asian goes to check out where the firing was coming from, and he steps into the darkness and there was few screaming and then a plunging and a man screaming.
I emerge from the darkness and I head out of there and I ran out of there after the first light of the early morning shines so heavenly on the clear day and I ran out of there then I being chased I caught an eye of a Russian man who started to give chase at he seemed to be pissed off and I didn't see him he had a insignia of the jaybird on his helmet and on his shoulder pad that fit over his grey uniform.
The man takes hold his hand gun and fires few shots at me missing each time I turn and find out that he was coming up from behind me I see my chance to get out of there and I take it was over a big break in the pavement of the road it had a big pool of water that I jump off the ridge line and I splashed into the water below.
My knapsack was weighing me down and I take that off of me and let that float down the river. I come back up for air I swam to a shore line of the water and lay there for a while with my gas mask still on my face.
And my wet dark brown wool uniform with my light brown straps that go around both my right and left shoulders, that latches to a light green belt with a little poutches that go around the belt, and my wool light brown trousers where all soaked even my light green high knee socks that went over my boots all of it was soaked and I felt like a wet dog my gas mask lay in front of me.

The sound of explosion wakes me up and then I open my eyes and cough up some water and I fine myself lost as I gather my gas mask up and my rifle and walk out onto the store and head back to the sound of the gun fire. Then fine myself back into the woods, the safe zone and few of the speeders fly right on by me they charged into the battle, and then I saw the speeders go into the woods. Then bink off the right and to the left as they go around the trees and few of the men gather around in a circle as a man who was a priest of the giving his sermen to the men and then I stop and fall before the circle of men and I see that it was hard for me to even breath. I remove my gas mask along with my helmet after the serman and the men spot me and they saw that I was a higher rank than they were.
They had turbans wrapped around their heads and they had soft spoken English accient and they get me up slowly.
"Hey are you alright?"
I nod to them to let them know that I was and they thought that I went through shit.
"What unit is this?"
A man from my country who steps before me and he gives me an orders.
"This is the eighth infantry unit of the twenty second battalion of the northern front"
And I made it it seemed like this was were I was needed to be and so I grab hold of the man before me I slam him up against a trunk of a red pine.
"Do you know where General Graham is at?"
The men give each a glance around and thought that I was crazy and the man takes his hands removes mine from his uniform and takes me to the front lines.
I shove him out of the way and make my way through the lines of men after the first whistle of the wave of men storm into battle with two speeders follow closely behind them. And diverse course and go either to the right and to the left then a few fire artillery shot from the terrats that were shot that break through the tough ground of the earth that knocked the air out of the wave of the men they fall. I ran through the men and tried to fine the general the trench stretched about nine miles that cut through the land and I push my way through and through and then. I take hold of a private and he points me down further his way and then I shove some more and push pass I step up onto the ridge of the trench and look down that it went into the mist as the fresh air was limited to breath as the second wave was ready.
They all put on their gas mask after all the chemical maybe thin but not until it's close to an hour of a fresh breath I look down to the western side of the trench where the officers bunker. I start to run as the second whistle of the second wave of men come clashing out of the trench, and pooling out from the sides we use the venus fly trap where we attack from the right and from the left we circle our enemies in them middle and we attack them, and we kill them and I ran fast as I can and then I stop as I get closer.
Once I got closer to the western side of the trench that was few miles down and I reach the bunker and hop back into the trench. I get closer and use my hand to get my past cleared and the door slides open as few men stand guard and stop me in my tracks. There he was General Graham that was standing by our Allie Generals that were from Iraq, and they all gathered around a table reading the map for anew attack and then they. Didn't see me so I back off the guards and I remove my gas mask because the air was safe in the bunker, and the bunker tremmled as few more explosion from the terrates of the enemy hit the ground with force shaking few pieces of dirt fell.
"General Graham I'm Srgt. Major Ryven? Sir I need to give your code breaker something it's about the enemies attack? Sir."
Graham stops what he was doing then he looks over at his Japanese conterpart who comes up to me he was unsure he liked men like me he thought had potental but he knew how stubborn that we had inside of us I push the guards off of me, and I hand General Toshio a chip that he gives to a man in the corner that was the code breaker.
The code breaker decodes the message really quickly and writes down the code from every word that was spoken on a piece of paper; and then after coding the message that says something he gives it to Graham and then gives a message in Japanese to General Toshio who reads it in his own langauge and he spots it before General Graham did that the enemy was sitting up a trap to attack them when our guard was down.
General Graham turns and gives me a look then turns his attention back to the code but he didn't do anything he didn't want to stop the attack until their lines where getting weary out and drained of energy before the next safe window for our oxygen.
"Sir our you going to do anything?"
"Sargent there's nothing to be done now we will keep charging and ragging on through the battle until we oursevles have back them up in the corner so they can't think or do anything until we have broken them down."
The sound of the blast of explosion get closer few of the men cry out in pain and then General Toshio comes up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. He hold his old katana sword right by him and turns back to face Graham and bows and clicks his heels together and puts on his gas mask but he knew the cost of losing his men.
I look at the generals and commanders from Iraq and they turn to face me and I step out into the thick air of toxican gas air that was to toxic for the men's air ways, but the stubborn but I then I felt like I wanted to get through the Generals thick head and so I did, and go back into the bunker and storm up to the general and remove my gas mask and then I felt that rage and confronting my superior officer.
"Sir listen to me you are sitting these men up for their deaths so please wait until further orders from the code breakers from the southern front, and from General Jacobs from the eastern fromt give their code reports to you so wait please sir?"
He shifts his teeth and clintches his jaw and he had a some yellow chew in his thick black mustache he heard me and nods softly like he wanted to do that, but only if we stop the attack and to stop the invasion and wait out the attack at night.
The General puts his hands on my shoulder and walks right past me to the code breaker and gives the orders to stop the attack; and the major hears it over the phone and then the men stops the attack and then stop everything. I can't believe then General Toshio comes back in and shows me to the medical tent that was our hide way camp, but I skip that after that I went to the clearing to look out at a valley and saw the beauty of the land. I see a head stone that was marked by the name that had died in the war or a farmer that once owned this land. I put on my gas mask, and sit down near the head stone and felt this change in me and felt the need of a change for a peace time song will come shortly I can tell this was the year of change indeed it was.

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