

With the blessings of the rain
"And after 5 years it is expected that our profits would have tripled it's original amounts"
Ahmed paused to reread the entire sentence on his laptop while stretching his fingers,
"This should be good enough to convince those old men to approve of the project" he said to himself
He went over the entire presentation again just to ensure that all "I"s were doted and all "T"s were crossed, it was not easy preparing a presentation for a $10 million project within 4hours and neither was it easy being the youngest Head of logistics for a multi-million dollars company even if your father was the the Chairman of the company, it just meant that more would be expected from you.
Ahmed sighed as he completed his evaluation of the project and emailed it to his personal assistant who would send it to the entire logistics team after properly editing the presentation.His assistant should have been the one to prepare the presentation but Ahmed wanted to do this personally as this project was a critical one. He lifted his cup of coffee to his lip and allowed it soothing smell to placate his senses, he had always been in love with coffee and it's intoxicating smell which is why he always come to this coffee shop when ever he needed inspiration and today combined with the petrichor from the rain, IT WAS BLISS.
"Allahuma Sahiban Nafiyan" Ahmed prayed and he watched the rain platter with a soft smile on his face
" Allah send us blessed showers".
He rested into the comfy sofa that had been recognized as his spot in the corner of coffee shop and continued to watched the street as he muttered the dua'a for the rain, then in a moment his eye caught a flow of green that was passing across the street from the shop, He sat up to get a clearer view of what the green behind the rain drops blurred glass screen was and he realized what it was or more like who it was.
The flowing green was an emerald green jelibab running in the rain but actually from the rain as it owner was currently hiding under a tree and dusting off the sand grains that had splashed on the jelibab,she raised a hand to cover her hard from the little drops that escaped through the lush, thick branches of the tree. Ahmed could not understand what he was doing right now, he usually would never stare at the lady especially not a muslim woman fully dressed in jelibab, he was captivated by her presence and could not tear his eyes form her at least until he was distracted by the waiter that brought his toast, he look back to the street and she was still there hiding from the rain which was only getting heavier. Ahmed felt a strong urge to do something to help, maybe he should go and invite her into the coffee shop but for the sake of his soul discarded the idea, what if he continued to stare at her like he was before,
"But I have to do something "
Then he decided.
Under a large and lush tree, Khearoh hid from the rain that was getting heavier and heavier, while she might be deeply in love with the rain and petrichor she had an appointment she was getting late for and these publication agents are not the most patient people on earth,
"Why didn't I just take an umbrella this morning when Habibah said so this morning, O, well, Allahu Musta'an"
She peeped from under the branches to observe the rain and suddenly it stopped,
"Has the rain stopped" she thought
She looked up to see the sky only to find that it was midnight-blue tarp
"This is not the sky"
And indeed it was not but an umbrella that was protecting her form the rain, Khearoh look up to find that it's holder was a young man who had his profile turned to her and his eyes looking in a distance, he stretched the umbrella towards her as if to tell her to take it, she was confused and then he turned towards her slightly and gestured for her to take it. Khearoh,still confused, wrapped her hand around the umbrella's handle just below his own hand causing their hands to touch, he look at her as if he was shocked by her touch and smiled to leave
" Umm, Thank you, JazakumLlahu khear" Khearoh blurted amist her confusion
" It's nothing, As-salamu alaykum"The young man said with a smile and saluted casually with 2 fingers to his head as he turned to leave
" Walaykumsalam" Khearoh replied as he watched his back walk away and disappeared into a coffee shop and then she too continued on her journey unaware of what is to be between them.
A story that has come with the blessings of the rain.
#love #rain#Halal#petrichor# feelings#coffe
@bint Abdul-Quossem

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