

Rising Dead 20
  Kai is standing in middle of the room looking at the walls , Room covers with pink paint and the bed is also pink and blanket and pillow are also pink and various teddy bears and random stuff is in the room

  Eva looks at Kai and said " So what do you think ?" In curiously Kai looks at Eva and said " Why everything is pink " without showing any expression on his face

  Eva closed her eyes in frastation and said in heavy tone " because my favourite colour is PINK " and forced smiles looking at Kai

Kai again said " Then why is that thing is here ?"  guestering towards big teddy bear lying on her bed

Eva looks at teddy bear and then Kai but didn't said anything and scratched her head in embarrassed look on her face

  Kai still watching her carefully and waiting for the answer Eva looks at him and said " amm....... It's not mine it's Tony's " and came close to teddy bear and picked up in her two hands and dropped in ground and smiled nervesly

Kai said " Don't you think Pink is to light and beside you are Athletic how can your room is pink , it's more comforting if it was black "

Eva looks at Kai's expression less face and said " why do you care? it's my room I can do whatever I want , I will paint in red , yellow , green , any colour __ " but Kai cuts her in mid and said " Black "

Eva face palmed herself and said " not black " and comes close to Kai , Kai avoid her gaze and started heading towards her locker she grabbed Kai from his back and said
" That's enough , get out " and started pushing Kai out of the room

Kai said " but you said " Eva interept and said " forget it and leave my room now you ungreat full brat " in angry voice

Kai said " Brat ?"
" Yes Brat now get out " Eva said and pushed him out of the room and comes out and locked the door behind her and said " Now let's go "
Kai looks at Eva then at the door but Eva takes Kai's hand and started draging him in the hall after few minutes they fully prepared to leave
Eva takes last glance at her parents dead bodies and said " Can we do something for them " as tears rolls down from her eyes

Kai looks at her and said " it's best if we burn them " Eva looks at the floor for few moments and said " can you help me ?" Kai nods and after few more minutes Kai and Eva used some diesel and then Eva burned their bodies then they left apartment

   After they comes on the street Eva takes last glance back and said " let's go " they started heading towards the school on Abandoned street ..........

.... Meanwhile

      "  Thanks Mr Dillinger I can assured you that we will do our best " Crow said in Confidant tone

" Crow your are always cheerful and the guy who is going on the top in the future " Mr Dillinger said in small laugh and again looks back as they walking in long hallway towards Crow

Crow stop and looks at Mr Dillinger then Mr Dillinger said " So I will get going then " and started walking away

  Crow looking at him as he walks away and smirks then Snake and rider comes from back and snake said " some time I thought you are his son not rider " Rider smirks 

They started  heading towards their dorms and Rider said " so we are going on mission "

Crow said " ofcource according to your plan " they both started laughing and  leaves together .......

          After 2 hours of walking and fighting with zombies Eva and Kai came close to Big school , it's just ahead 6 blocks away

Eva said " Stay back and if you saw anything alert me " and looks back at Kai " do not try to fight with the zombie  like few minutes ago. you have no Idea what would have happened if I didn't came to rescue you " and looks back at big school away from them

  Kai didn't said anything he just following Eva around

After coming close to gate they looks towards school and saw more than 20 zombies on front ground

Eva leans on the walls and sign and leans on wall beside gate and lowers her bow and looks at Kai and said " there lots of zombies in front entrance of the school

Kai stepped forward but Eva said " what are you doing , don't do anything stupid and beside that I already promised to protect you but if you done something like that I can't able to keep my  promise "  Kai looks at Eva expression less face but after he heard her words He smiled a little
But Eva noticed and said " omg are you just smiled ? " And she also chuckels

  Kai again shows his serious face and said " I don't " Eva said " don't lie to me thief I saw you smiling " Kai looks away then Eva stops and said " we will talk about this other time first we have to deal with these " and looks towards enterance and she saw few peoples on the roof of the school looking at them and trying to get attention of Eva and Kai without sound

   Eva said " looks their are some people's maybe Tony with them " and looks back at Kai but he is not their
She gets panicked and started looking everywhere and saw Kai away from her crossing a street towards a car

  Eva looks back at them and then towards Kai and she about to follow him but Kai stopped in his tracks and looks back

Eva guesters him to come back now
Kai points his index finger towards car , he is trying to tell something to Eva but she don't understand what he is saying because he just standing still on ground raising his fingers towards car

  Eva thought Kai wanted to drive towards the school enterance but she knows it's dengerous we cannot able to go safely in the school then she realised what he is trying to say is we can distract these zombies using cars siren

  She guesters Kai to come back she will use arrow to distract them Kai started walking towards her and after these two of them came safe distance Eva shot the arrow on the car but only cars windows broken and small voice made by it

Eva said " where is the fu... Siren " in frastation again Kai started walking towards car

Eva said " hey idiot what are you doing , you can't just go there and press the Horne's  it's dengerous " Kai stops and looks back and said in sarcastically voice " then how about fighting our way to entrance "

Eva didn't said anything and then Kai said " Don't worry girl I'm Thief , " and winks at Eva , Eva smiled and said " What are you ? "

  Kai said in low voice "  everyone calls  me Monster " Eva stutter and looks at Kai in uneasy gaze , she doesn't know what Kai means but she thought maybe he is just kidding

Kai came close to car and looks back at  Eva and nods And pressed Horne's loudly then every zombies started running towards voice

Eva looks at Kai in panic look on her face Kai meet her gaze and then looks at the crowd of zombies and started running different direction

   Eva leaning on the wall and sitting close to the ground as she saw Kai disappear from her view and zombies following him and she enters in ground taking last glance towards Kai direction

   As she looks at enterance she saw few peoples are coming out side of the school

   Two big  middle aged men's  in their hand chainsaw and metal rod and other two young boys about 20s they had baseball bats in their hands

    Eva came close to them as she walks she saw in the various windows
Lots of peoples looking at her

    " Thanks for the help but what do you want " chainsaw guy Said in serious tone

   Eva looks at middle aged man who is holding chainsaw and said " I am looking for my small brother Tony he is 12 years old  black hairs , eyes brown and height around 3.4 "

Everyone falls silent but someone said from the entrance " Are you Eva "
Eva looks at the girls voice and saw a girl's age around 20s

    Eva reply instantly " yes i am Eva Johnson " that girls smiles and looks at man holding chainsaw and said
" Garry she is Tony's sister "
Man signs and said " Fine you can come in "  

  Eva smiled and said looking back " my friend is out there how about_ "

Another guy holding metal rod shouts and said " forget him he is already dead by now , didn't you saw all the zombies followed him in the ally , he is idiot " in serious tone

  Eva looks at him sharply but didn't said anything and looks at Garry , Garry said " shut up Marko that guy just saved us and you "

   Marko said " really  then I am sorry for your boyfriend lil miss " sarcastically , Garry said " Mona takes Eva in and Find Tony , and you guys quickly go to the gate and close it before any zombies came in "

        Mona said as she smiled " let's go Eva your brother is waiting for you " Eva looks back as she walks with Mona in the school

Mona said " your boyfriend is brave I mean I saw what happened and by the way are you really gold medallist ?"  Eva nods but she stills worried

Mona again said " don't worry maybe he knows what he is doing " in comforting tone Eva looks at her and smiled

    As Eva walks she saw various people  parents , kids , college girls and boys  looking at Eva  Mona said as she looks at Eva  " these people are wanted shelter in the school so our leader Garry let them in "

     Eva looks at Mona and said " and who are you I mean why Garry listen to you "

Mona smiled and said " Oh he is my stepdad " and smiled and looks ahead Eva said " you guys maybe pretty close " Mona said " ofcource " and leads her towards one of class rooms

  Eva said " how many people_" Mona cuts her off in mid and said "45 , including you "

  As they enters in class room Eva saw more than 3 mattress on the floor and one boy sleeping on them as they enters he wakes up and said " Mona did you find my sis___" and looks at Eva and started running towards her
Eva drops on her knees and started crying and they both hugged each other tightly

Looking at them Monas eyes filled with tears and she said " I just leave you here " and she leaves the classroom ..................




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