

Waste p3
Well it seemed like I had some kind of paranormal experience there. One minute I was talking with what said it was death the next he was gone. Or I was finally having some sort of mental episode and I had just had a conversation with myself. At this moment though I'm leaning towards the first option. So he told me he gave me a gift. If I died then I would wake at the same time as I did today again like a reset.

Leaving my house was surreal. It was like the worst case of Dajavue I have ever experienced. It's was dizzying how everything was exactly the same so far. I look at my watch and know that my bus comes early today so instead of walking to the bus stop and missing it I will run and catch it. This will then get me to work on time and save me from getting another warning from my manager.

As I set off at a good speed I start to think about all the things I can change about today. How I have basically become a time traveler. Because so far I have my memories of the future. Well what happened yesterday which is now today? So if I go say five days forward would I still have the same memories. Could I get the winning lottery numbers and then jump off a bridge and wake back here and put them on. My mind was racing thinking of all the things I could do.

Idea after idea came to me on how I could make my life better. Then I started to think about how if I got my life how I thought it should be I would probably die and wake up here and have to start again. Then knowing my luck I probably wouldn't wake again. After all he didn't say how many times this would work for. Maybe it's a one time thing or a hundred I don't know. There are too many variables to this and at the end of the day this was done to me by the whim of a god.

Up ahead of me I could see the bus and the bus stop. The bus was waiting at a set of traffic lights and I was easily going to make it. There at the bus stop stood my imaginary wife. Well she isn't imaginary she is real but I will never say more than polite greetings and pleasntries with a sprinkle of small talk thrown in. If she knew what I thought about her she would probably quit her job and leave the country just so she didn't have to run the risk of seeing me again. I slow my run to a walk just before I get to the bus stop. She turns to me with a smile and says.

"Good job you ran today or you would have missed it."

"Morning, yeah, I know right."

I'm still catching my breath and can't really think of anything witty to say like always. Just the same boring mundane crap falling from my lips. It's a good job people can't see it littering the streets or I would be made to pick it up like a dog walker.

The bus ride was exactly the same as yesterday and the day before and, every day. I got off and made my stroke to the warehouse and saw the same dog have the same dump as it did yesterday. The owner walked off without picking it up like before. I thought I would see what would happen if I said something this time though instead of doing nothing. So I shouted at him.

"Hey aren't you going to pick that up?" I should have thought this threw more before taking action. For a start he was at least five inches taller than me had muscles on muscles a shaved head and tattoos. His dog was about the same. He didn't say anything to me he just bent down and took the lead from the dog.

The dog was hurtling towards me like I was the rabbit on the dog track. Without a seconds thought I turned and set off at an all out sprint. Straight in front of a double-decker bus.