

Magic Wizards Ep 6:Closer and New Threats (Part 4)

Today's Read: Filled with questions and doubts from friends and a familiar face stalker. What is going on with the Tank situation? Is Nancy becoming a regular stalker to the officers? If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Ep 6:Closer and New Threats

After a morning that was smooth for some, but not so smooth for others, the Wizards were at Quincy's locker. And Quincy and Rj knew something was up with Rege. He didn't speak to them unless they asked him a question.

"So, how did yesterday go Rege?" Rj asked.

"She didn't answer my call, it went to direct voicemail." he responded back.

"Come on how long are you two going to keep this up?"

"I don't know you ask her." he said crossing his arms.

Rascals had thoughts going on in his mind. Some of the thoughts revolved around what he was talking about now, but others revolved around what happened yesterday with Tanner. He and Quincy had still not let it go.

"Well, it seems like you have a lot going on." Rascals jumped in.

"Maybe i do, maybe i don't."

"Well Quincy still believes you have something more. And even though that's hard to believe looking at all the stuff you already have going on that we know, I don't know how much more you can take." Rj said looking at Quincy then at Rege.

Rege gives Quincy an annoyed look.
"You still think I have something going on?"

"Why? Maybe I do, maybe I don't." he says kinda sarcastically back copying what he said to Rascals.

"Don't get smart with me." he huffed.

"Quincy...maybe we better chill." Rascals says a little worried.

Quincy sighed feeling over it already. He knew Rege was hiding something and was determined to figure it out.

"Okay okay guys chill. And Rascals don't worry nothing's gonna happen." Quincy responded.

As the Wizards take a moment to settle down, two familiar faces walked by. It was Sheila and Tori. But they weren't the only familiar face. Just a few feet away from them another person was there. And they had spotted the Wizards, starting to walk twards the same way Sheila and Tori went.

"Oh my gosh, is that who i think it is?" Rascals blurted.

The Wizards quickly turned. Tank was approaching. But how? And why? What was he doing at Greenville high school? He didn't work there.

"Tank?! What the hell is he doing here?" Rege said.

"Who knows...I don't know but it's all connected to wizard A or B probably." Quincy guessed.

"I really don't like that guy." Rj said after.

"Me neither. Guys, let's just split up for now and meet up later okay? I'd rather not see the guy." Quincy replied.

They all agreed. Starting to seperate, Rj walked away, then Rege, and fianlly Quincy. But before walking away, Rege looks at Quincy.

"See ya Quiny, oh and im not hiding anything." he said trying to sound convincing. And then they were gone.

Meanwhile Officer Mrs Baren and Officer Fredrick were sitting down having lunch on an outside table. And aside from having lunch, Officer Frederick still had things on his mind. In particular:Nancy. He was curious and wanted to know more about her.

"So, tell me more about this Nancy women. I think you've hid her enough." he says as he grabs a sip of his drink.

"Well...like i said before, she's crazy." Officer Mrs.Baren replied.


"And, she's crazy for the old grandpa at the house. Well he's not exactly old old but you know what i mean. She won't stop going to our house and i think we're beginning to see her other places besides home." she spoke forcing herself.

Officer Feddrick eyes grew more curious. "Like where?"

"Like NOW..."she says as she picks up her food and gets up. He turns around and sees her walking.

"Come on we need to go." She says walking away as fast as she could. (To be continued...)

#Mystery #Thriller #Suspense #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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