

Beaches, yeah these beaches have fascinated me from childhood. Earlier it was my attraction towards it and now the way they hold so many stories within them on the shores and the tides too. If they given a chance to speak, would've told me endless encounters they made, of lovers, of parents, of dotards, of the riches, of the commoners and what not.

Some might have experienced their first kiss here, some toddlers would have imprinted their first steps on sand. Some would've started old age adventures here and some would've parted ways permanently.
He wasn't here physically but virtually on the video call, he loved the sound of waves very much.
"You remember we had our first date here eating pani puri...how motu you looked" he smiled, the spark seemingly visible in his eyes. "Yes, you always ate less so that I win the competition", I said smiling weakly. "Aren't you eating today?", He said little disturbed. "I have stopped eating pani puri from this place the day you left. It doesn't feel good." I said adjusting my gaze with him. "I'm sorry, I have to part ways like this, I never want to hurt you." He started explaining.
"Nobody wants to hurt the ones they love, it is all the game of destiny. You just cannot fight it. It is not in our hands." I said dropping my smile.
"Hey, can I call you later..? She's calling me urgently it seems" he said panicking.
"That's ok you don't have to. Make her happy and be her greatest support, I am all good." I assured him.

The tides got higher this time, it reached till my feet erasing our names I had written on the sands. I deleted his contact, got up on my heels, plugged in 'our' favourite song and walked along the shores. The footmarks of my forever went missing somewhere fighting with the destiny.

© Soni
pic credits: Pinterest

#wavesofwait #writco #writcoapp #WritcoQuote #story #storytime #beach #Love&love