

The old woman dropped her purse, spilling it's contents all over the sidewalk. He rushed ahead to help her stopping short when he saw the gun under the purse shocked??? What the hell?? What is going on here? How can an old woman be parading with a gun and who even gave this woman a gun? A thousand question going through my mind at the same time. But could this be through? An elderly woman of 80 yrs old. So I gently hand over the bag with those content I saw and she left. All the same but I couldn't rapped my head around the whole scenaro, I went back to my normal day to day activities. Afterwards, during lunch break just as I was about to take a bite of my sandwich, they just announce on the news channel that an old woman is missing and she is with a gun. I just couldn't go ahead to finished my lunch and immediately, I reached home my parents told me what happens and its sad to even hear that she was my lost granny. I couldn't believe it at first but after everything they told me how it all happen. Then I had no doubt that she was the one. So I told them my encounter with her not even knowing that she is my relatives.

I asked them why she was holding a gun? They told me that she is mentally ill. That she ran away from a psychiatric hospital. So the police are looking all over for her.
© Egbe Naomi