

My office story Part(I)
It's her first day Alina has applied for a job and has been approved as architect in a company known as "We are leaders".
It's her first day and unfortunately for the first time she slept 2 mins extra. She's late. Finally she managed and reached her office. It's her first day. When she reached there she once gazed at the office hoarding and stressfully read the name "WE ARE LEADERSSSSS!"
She went in and used the elevator there was a guy already in there. That boy started at her from top to bottom she felt awkward but the guy was formally dressed with a grey waist coat that added to his attitude more a bit. They both had to reach the same floor. Meanwhile her boss texted her whom she had never saw. Her interview was held by the head architect who was now retired and was the father of the boss.
Why are you late new girl?
She read the text from notification toggle without marking it seen so that her boss won't ruin her first day
Alina: ( whispered to herself) Why these bosses always overrule us and mine one seems a JERK!!!..I really don't want to see his ugly pathetic face( despite not even knowing him whether he was ugly or not )
When they reached on the desired floor. The guy left before her and even just smashed her shoulder with his shoulder as if he had something urgent to do
Alina entered her office there were employees working already on their respective computers. She introduced herself to the receptionist and he headed her to her cabin which was separate from others because her designation was different and at higher level than them. When she was about to take her seat the receptionist knocked her door.
Receptionist: Ma'am before you can start the boss wants to see you
Alina was amazed a little bit but then she thought that he might want to make her understand her work.
Alina: Why not Sure! Can you head me there please!
Receptionist: Sure! Ma'am follow me.
When Alina entered the boss's cabin
Her dairy slipped from her hands


Who was her boss?
Why that diary slipped from her hands
Want to know stay tuned
© wanderer♡