

Cool Circle
Ever feel like buds blossom clarity
within your mind as you see their hearts are more involved?
The guard falls easy enough to connect?
Their smile so genuine, not just charm?
Their eyes are life-lights to your intuition, as you watch their gaze?
To be around people who's minds agree?
They ask you important questions having a healthy heart in place?

It's like being a sunflower that found its plot.
Their warmth and care gives you new life to turn to.

Being interviewed by sheep is so different than meeting wolves.
They're strong due to hope that keeps them unworried, leaning not on their own understanding.

Though there, yes, they're getting to know you, and you don't feel stranger?
Their like that best friends parents who said, "You're with us kid!".
Back home people squawk about bad police, but you know your best friends guardians and see nothing brutal, just peace.
You're not really adopted, but you get so much time with them...
Familiar is like family away from family, yet you're not even called friends.

You remember you're not a kid anymore, but you feel blessed to have the memories.

Shaking hands seems to realign balance to walk with again.

Looking forward to new memories, no matter how few or many...

Ripples vibrate between silence without a concerning awkward ora.
It's love for fellow people who are alive.
Alive loving life, and loving being side by side.

What strangers you know you can save and know it the right choice to make sure the world is a better place for it.
I'm the kind to want to save everyone, but they're favorable and can't be denied.

I'd be happy knowing I got to shake their hand, even if only once.

Real circles are well rounded, founded on Heavens principals and trust.
When we all focus on trusting The One
within, there is no question they win.

Let it begin and take stride for as long as God walks it. Yes, God always wins, love giving wind to angels wings.

Life sings.

© LilohaIsMsH