

Vivid Dream
She felt like everyone and everything that surrounded her was broken. How could she move on from this. She lost the love of her life. Still so unknown on what exactly happened. She couldn't breath... her heart racing. She was in their room... looking around everything was him and her. They were US. She didn't see life without him. Not once was it even an idea. The thought of not existing sounded better than this. However, her beautiful girls came to shape into her mind and instantly that thought was no longer a thought. The tears wouldn't cease and she gasped for air as she screamed and buried her face into his pillow. His scent was stronger than ever to her. Crouched on her bed in a fetal position, she couldn't stop this agonizing feeling. Her mind flooded by him. All she wanted to do was hold him, smell him... hear him say her name one more time. Hear his laugh and stare at him. See his kind eyes and feel his soft hands. She immediately remissnesses about all fun banter they shared. How they were literally the perfect pair. He completed her soul and in an instant it was depleted... She awoke. There he was... sleeping next to her and it was all just as dream. A nightmare. She looked at him and thought... thank you God for this man. I will love him truly, madly and deeply forever.