

Women and Their Life Stories...
He was a very loving husband,
Who cared a lot for his wife,
He always understood her pain,
Resolved as much as He could...
But left her alone in old ages when time came...
When she was completely available only to him,
was most in need of him being around...
After 70yrs of togetherness trying to be independent because has no other choice.
She had fight with every misconduct,
every nonsense in life,
Because she had a strong supporter around,
At this age, difficult to understand,
How she performs with what goal...
The society said ' It hurts seeing her like that '
She laughed wanted to say "After a life time, I am living for myself and my God, why do it hurts you..."

He was a caring loving husband,
They had a kid just sprouted to become flower,
Life ended for him,
He didn't able to keep his promise,
stayed in memories but not became able to be a part of her journey...
After years of an identity of house wife,
She is looking for shelter and work,
to take care of her son...
She had never thought it could become her destiny.
The society said ' It hurts seeing her like that '
She laughed wanted to say " I am not afraid of life, I have great memories of love and I may also move on, I have a great child, I am Happy with whatever I am doing... why are you hurt. Life is in now and I know how to live."

She is crying day and night,
She trusted someone wrote letters to him,
Dreams of His made her life heaven,
But behind her back he cheated.
She has started self evaluating,
Self doubt, shame and untrust have become her life partners,
Depression made her faint many times,
It was out of her imagination,
that it's possible ever and she was not prepared for it...
The society wanted to hide her voice and face inside home, inside mother earths womb.
She didn't stop... She stood on her legs and shared her voice, her pain, and wrote her own story, dreams and Destiny.
Now she carries her heart in her slaves too,
but not to land it to anyone out there,
before knowing who they truly are.
She is more aware of life and her breath.

She cried everytime he made himself important,
Forgot his responsibilities of a family,
He did fight for the nation,
with a trust in his heart that God will guard his children...
From day to night,
She because the mom and dad to her kids,
taught them what is good what is bad,
What is God and what is not in the crowd,
Had never thought life will be so difficult,
She would have to take care of everything in life alone,
Even after having a committed husband,
with whom she can't even talk once in a day for months.
The society made her feel proud of what her husband doing, nobody found how much pain and trauma she goes through.
She laughed thinking "I am proud of him, and myself too, because more than I feel I had to become stronger... and I believe that's how mother nature is. "

She moved on,
Every time someone made her feel unwanted,
Until she met Him,
Who said her, you don't need to love anyone,
You just need to be love,
You can conduct life smoothly,
Without being emotionally, physically or financially dependent on anyone.
You should be with someone only if you are joyful and want to share your joy with another.
She had nothing to loose and she had gained knowledge of life times...
She has millions of brothers,
Millions of sons and daughters,
Millions of sisters, fathers and mothers.
"She just don't have a husband/lover..." said the society...
And she laughed... wanted to say"I have...
But He can't leave me alone anytime,
And I will never be alone at any condition...
He will stay with me for lives... forever, Even death can't kill Him and He will stay with me even after my death."

("Never look up or down at anyone ... just see as they are, as it is... "

-- Sadhguru )

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