

Don Quixote De La Mancha And The Metal Beast (I wrote a story about an adventure of his in modern day) (initial story by Miguel de Cervantes)
Don Quixote and Sancho walked through the city of New York together looking for the ‘castle’ they wished to stay in. As Don Quixote and Sancho walked through the streets, all the people stared in bewilderment at the knight and his squire. “Are you the guys acting in the new medieval knights’ movie?” A man on the street asked them.
 “I know not what a movie is, but I can assure you that I be the most noble knight, Don Quixote. I am sure you have heard of my adventures?” Don Quixote asked him.
“Your ventures? You’re missing a few marbles, aren’t you?” The man asked while laughing.
“I know not what marbles are nor if I am missing any, however, it is considered rude to laugh at a knight and if you continue, I will have no choice but to show you the fury of my sword!” Don Quixote exclaimed with a serious look on his face. The man realized that Don Quixote had really lost some of his marbles, and walked away.
“Señor Don Quixote, maybe it would be more suitable for us to hurry to that rather large castle that is nay but a trot away?” Sancho asked.
“That is a brilliant idea Sancho let us head to the castle at once,” Don Quixote replied.
The bright rays of sunlight shone down on a big building that was an attorney’s office. Don Quixote De La Mancha stood in the scourging sun, watching a young lady whom he deemed a fair maiden. She walked out of the building crying since she had lost her job, and got into a taxi. “I must save this fair maiden from this accursed metal beast that holds her captive! Ride like the wind Rocinante!” Don Quixote exclaimed to his horse. Rocinante chased the taxi at a trot. The many people standing in the street stared at Don Quixote and his horse very confused. The cars on the road all hooted their horns at this obscure scene that they were sure could by no means be real. Rocinante threw Don Quixote off his back since he was frightened by all the horns being hooted. “These metal beasts seem to be quite numerous! I must face danger headfirst and pursue the fair maiden on foot!” Don Quixote said as he ran after the metal beast that held the fair maiden captive.
“Señor Don Quixote, where are you going?” Sancho panted as he ran after Don Quixote.
“There is a fair maiden in need of help! She was crying and the metal beast took her into its grasp and ran off with her!” Don Quixote exclaimed with urgency. He found Rocinante again and climbed back onto his precious steed. Sancho got on his mule and together, the two of them rode after the fair maiden trapped by the metal beast. One of the people in the town called the police, and the police cars and their sirens could be heard coming after Don Quixote and Sancho. “Sancho, we have more metal beasts coming after us now! Can you not hear them roar! We must hurry after the fair damsel that is in distress before it is too late!” Don Quixote said.
“Señor it appears that many fine people in this town are riding in these metal beasts, perhaps they are friendly?” Sancho said hoping to convince him.
“If they were indeed friendly, why are they chasing us and roaring?” Don Quixote replied rather harshly. After what felt like forever the beast which held the maiden captive stopped dead in its tracks. Don Quixote ran the beast and pried open the door with his sword. The girl looked up at the knight rather confused.
“Uhm what are you doing?” She asked.
“Saving you, fair maiden, from this awful metal beast!” Don Quixote replied.
“Uhm, well, my dear knight, this is not a metal beast, it is a car, and it was saving me from my awful workplace. However, I thank you for the kind gesture,” She replied and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She had known his niece and therefore knew about his situation, and felt bad for him. When the police pulled up, she assured them that everything was fine, and they left.
“Dear fair maiden, would you join me for dinner?” Don Quixote asked her.
“How could I say no,” She replied. Sancho just stood there amazed at all that had happened. Don Quixote and his fair maiden rode on his horse into the sunset to a dining place.
© Stacy A Parker