

I will never forget you
chapter 1 friendship come to end. Mr.william is a business man he is Rich his parent are also rich he have a best friend named Mr.ben he is also rich they both have a wife the name of Mr.william wife is Ellie and Mr.ben wife name is claire also mr.willian and Mr.ben have a child Kevin and Kate mr.ben child is Kevin while Mr Williams child is Kate both Kate and Kevin are best friends they both also have friend their names are Olivia and rayan they go to the same school together one day after the school close normally they all wait for their parent or driver to come and pick them from school while Kate and Kevin are waiting for their parents Kevin saw candy cotton man he run and follow the candy cotton man and Kate follow him then a car hit Kate and Kevin looks back and saw Kate her body was full with blood and he started crying they were just 5 year old children mean while both parents are on their way to the school gate and they saw Kevin and lot ok people and Mrs Ellie saw her child lieing on the ground helplessly she cry so much and they take Kate to the hospital Mrs Claire asked her son what happened he explained meanwhile Mr Williams was at the back of Mrs Claire hearing the explaination his son was giving Mr Williams blame Kevin the doctor told them that Kate should be transferred to Canada for surgery and the chance of surviving was 30 percentage and she knock her head on the floor and her memory may be gone also Mr Williams and Mr been are planning to do a business of 5 billion dollar but Mr Williams blame Mr been that is because of his son that their child have accident and they cancelled the business and that when their friendship end because of business mean while Kate parents pay for her surgery and they fly her out of the country in the next chapter we will know what happen to Kate