

Beyond Thank You
It's common to hear from the people saying, "I am proud of myself because I have come this far, I struggled a lot to reach this destination." Wait!! It's not only you who always stayed with yourself, it's him who pushed you forward no matter what, who stayed when no one else did. God has blessed this universe with a beautiful relationship called Father.

Situations aren't equal for everyone; some enjoy high priorities while others are just trying to survive without any expectations.

How can we forget when he hid his pain and didn't show us what he was really going through? He is no less than any cinematic actor. He said things would be okay when he himself had no hope, just to make us comfortable. He even said, "Don't worry, I'll provide you with whatever you want, you just focus on your growth." He also guided us through our lives and trusted us. How can we forget that he worked day and night just to ensure we never saw sadness on our faces?

What are we giving him in return? Sorrow, bad habits, throwing him out of the house for someone else, disrespecting him just to get appreciation from others, and not listening to his opinions. Come on! If you are engaging in these activities thinking you're independent now, slap yourself!! You're not grown up!!

His importance in our lives is immeasurable. He is our first hero, our constant support, and the one who sacrificed his dreams so we could fulfill ours. His wisdom, patience, and unconditional love shape us into who we are today. Every word of advice, every act of kindness, and every moment of his time are the true treasures of our lives. He stands as the silent pillar of our strength, whose love and dedication often go unnoticed yet are the foundation of our successes.

It's time to realize his value and show gratitude. Let's honor him not just with words but with actions that reflect our appreciation. Let's strive to be the reason for his smile, just as he has been for ours. Acknowledge his sacrifices, respect his opinions, and cherish the moments with him. In doing so, we truly understand the essence of growing up and the beauty of this irreplaceable bond.

A father’s love is the guiding light that shows us the way. His sacrifices are the foundation on which our dreams are built.

© Suh