

Family is important

Yesterday me and my big sister got into an argument. Nothing new. You know the kind where she was having a go at me and I was answering back because of my stubborn nature.

However, the only difference was, is that when my mom came to ask what happened, I cried. I cried with no reason. No explanation.

I was given a lesson.

In the arugument, I was treating her as if I was having an argument with an outsider. No respect. No politeness. No patience. This argument was similar to previous arguments we've had.

Although, yesterday I realised how wrong I am, how progressively, I've been getting more and more rude to her. Yes she is annoying, she knowingly pushes my buttons, but I'm not any better and yesterday this random realization hit me.

A bit off topic now.

A few months ago, I began turning back to my Deen (Religion). I've been trying to better myself and understand Islam more Allhamdullilah. It hasn't been easy but I would never go back to what I was before.

I've been so blessed to have turned back to my Deen at what people say, a young age.

Going back to the arugument.

I feel Ya Allah (SWT) is showing me his love by helping me right the wrongs that I didn't even know was there. I would never have realised how wrong I was with my sister if I did not cry randomly and I would still be continuing to slowly destroy our relationship.

Your family can either be your biggest supporters or your biggest haters, there's no other way around it. You are the only one who can make sure they are not an enemy.

I guess this wasn't a story but perhaps you may take it as a reminder, a lesson or even a sign. 🤲🏽🤍🤲🏽

© Zainab Hussain 2023