

The grand order of deception
There’s a secret I could tell you
Although my mind says ‘please Kat don’t!’
You might think that you want to know but believe me
No you really won’t

The cabal who own this planet earth
The ones who don’t exist
The ones who haunt our darkness
moving in and out of timeless mists

They decide what we should know
They make our serious choices
Can’t trust the ignorant scum called us
Can’t even stand our voices

The one percent, the UPPER class
Bestowed with shame and glory
For them we keep on pedaling
So they can write our story

The secret is...ah fuck it, do you really want to know ?
Ok then ..time does not exist
The whole things one big show

The future is the past as well
Tomorrow or yesterday
Both of them exist at once
With neither in the way

Life is one big business model
The stock of trade is us
Working for the man
Without a solitary fuss

But it’s far easier this way
Because it’s what we understand
It’s not exactly exciting
They try to keep life pretty bland

Humans need a structure
Day and night with sleep between
That way they can keep working us
While we think they are dreams

Those who live behind big gates
Penthouses, yachts or walled estates
So far removed from the great unwashed
Hardly any human left in what they cost

The one percent they know the truth
They know what cometh next
While all we know is work work work
As exhausted we break our necks

They gave us the net or web so called because it’s one big trap
But we are oh so grateful with our phones
Downloading endless apps

Take a selfie
Take ten more
Then tweak and tweak some more
Until the end result is nothing like you looked before

I hate to tell you this is it
The end as we all know it
It’s there in how they act and think
They were always going to blow it.

© katMaddi