

Finally it was the day of farewell
The most awaited day for everyone.Since i was in the dance program I had to be there in the hall for the whole day. The entire hall was lit with colours,baloons and colourful people.I was so tired in the afternoon and sat down in a chair.I felt sudden chilness
It wasn't from the aircooler I was sitting next to.I turned back.
To my surprise it was her looking at me.
She gave a cute little smile.We both wore the same coloured dress.Her hair was perfect, so was she. My heart melted away.

Later we had dance rehearsals.But this time I felt different.My heart did not focus on the beat but on her.She was watching me dance.I tried to give my best,but my legs betrayed me.I missed the step.
Then we started the party.There were noises coming from everywhere.The sound of happiness,the sound of seperation,the sound of Love,the sound of friendship.

My eyes were searching her
In every corner it was searching for the little red rose that it ached for.The little rose I could never forget,The little rose which changed me and the little rose I loved.

It found her, dancing near the same air cooler I was sitting next to before.
She was happy
I was happy.
It was time for the DJ to rock now
He did his best.
Songs were played and we started dancing.
I badly wanted to dance with her.
God heard my prayers and brought her near me.Our friends formed a circle and started dancing.She was dancing right opposite to me.
The light shone on her.The moon face was lit up with red.It was beautiful.. Different colours shone on her while she danced.
I saw her eyes,she saw mine.
She put up her hand I put up mine.
We came closer and danced.But she moved away.
Suddenly my friends pulled me back and forced me to dance again.
But my heart wanted her.
wanted to dance with her.
I pushed the crowd searching her.
I did find her.
This time the beat was heavy.
They made the boys circle the girls and dance.She was near me.
Her head was near my chest now.
I could feel her warmth.It was beautiful.
She danced for the beat.
I danced for her.The beat went hard and hard
We danced hard and hard.Our hands high up in the air,Our heart beating faster,we jumped and jumped,The vibe hitting us hard, people sweating, people dancing,
The beat dropped.
We stopped.
She moved away.
I couldn't find her afterwards.
The party came to an end.
I wanted to see her one more time before leaving.I searched again, again and again.
"She was gone" I said to my heart.It couldn't listen.It never did
It searched and searched. Finally I gave up.
I went down the stairs and looked back at the narrow hallway through which we go to the hall.She showed up.I was at the bottom of the stairs and she was at the top.She always was at the top.I saw the little red rose once again.oo
The whole memories replayed,I felt like I re-lived them once again.She was my love and she will always be......

© @broken_piece