

Chapter 1:The Beginning

Beep beep beep.  I turned over and yanked the blanket over my head, trying to ignore my alarm clock.  I know I should get up and get ready, but I'm still tired from the events that occurred last night.  I work at a store just down the street from my house.  For some weird reason, my co-workers two of them did a no call, no show, and I was left with the work both of them were in charge of.  Well, me and the store manager.  I'm pretty sure they're both going to be fired.  Beep beep beep. ugh,  I'm up, I'm up now.  I hit the button on my alarm clock a bit harder than I needed to. Ow, that hurt.   

                                                                                                           Now to find something to wear. What is a good first day back to high school outfit?  I stared at my closet, filled with the new clothes my mom just brought me.  Hmm, nothing too nice, but nothing too comfortable. I pulled two outfits out, one was a long-sleeved ebony fit crop top, with rhinestones around the neck, and wrist of the shirt, white high waist skinny jeans, a white jean jacket, and ebony suede ankle boots to finish it off.  The other a rosy turtleneck, dark blue high waist jeans, a matching jacket, and rosy knee-high boots.  I decided to go with the dark blue outfit, only because I don’t want to wear white to school. That would be me asking to get dirty.

I grabbed my clothes and walked into my bathroom. I and my mom had a bathroom in our rooms. Which, left my sisters sharing the bathroom that was downstairs.  Prylia hated it since, her room was next door to the basement and she had to walk through the kitchen, to get to the bathroom. I put on my shower cap and turned the shower knob to hot and let the water run down my face trying not to think about anything. Once, I got out I quickly dressed and stared in the mirror checking my edges, and lip gloss.  My hair is dark blue and straight. Didn't need to do anything to it since I got it straightened two days before.


“Prayer!” mom called from downstairs. “Coming!” I picked up my backpack, and purse and ran downstairs. When I made it to the kitchen mom was handing out plates to my younger siblings. Pryer, and Prylia ages 14, and 14. Yes, their twins.  Thank. god, I”m not a twin they always cry about not having the same colored clothes. Mom always gets them the same outfits but different colors.  She’s convinced they try to trick their teachers and switch classes.  Ever since she found Pryer’s music notes in Prylia’s room. The dumbest mistake my sisters ever made, because everyone in our family knows Pryer’s the musician, and Prylia’s the science geek. 

What I don’t understand is why they would switch classes to a class they don’t have any interest in. Well, they will tell me when they get a chance even though they're a bit younger than me. I and my sisters share a close bond. We tell each other the littlest things like, “OMG I got an A+ on the test in Mr. Reo’s class.” Well, we used to, Now it’s like they both shut me out. It was just my mom, me, and the twins at the table since dad was away on a business trip.

        I washed the dishes and cleaned the table.   As I was singing along to a song that was playing loudly through my headphones, I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, I turned and looked at my two sisters. Prylia held out a box that was a rectangular shape. “Sorry, it’s late,” she said, “but I wanted it to be real.” I was still shocked even though I didn’t see the gift yet. She put it in my hands, “open it.” I opened the box it was a really beautiful crystal ball necklace with tiny stars around it. It looked like something a singer or actress would wear. 

                                                                   I was so shocked I stuttered the words thank you. Both of my sisters frowned. “ you don’t like it.?” Prylia asked. I nearly screamed. “Are you kidding me, I LOVE It!” Thank you.” I hugged both of them. Pryer, said “ wait that’s not from me” she pulled something from her backpack and handed it to me. “This one is from me” her box was a square shape. “Open it. I have to see what your reaction is to this.” I opened it. My face must have been hard to read again, cause they both frowned again.  I laughed so hard they started to look angry. I believe both of your faces are more shocking than mines. 

“Pryer, I LOVE It!, but I couldn’t say that because of the looks on your faces. Haha.” then they both laughed with me. Pryer’s gift was a matching bracelet it had the same crystal ball and tiny stars around it. They helped me put them on. Prylia put her 

gift around my neck, while Pryer put her’s, around my wrist.  “So are you both ready to go.?”  “yup?”

 “Okay. let’s go.”  “Wait, wait!  So… nobody can say goodbye to me before they leave.?”  mom said “ sorry.” I said. We all ran and hugged her. “ see you love you”  we all said at the same time while rushing out the door and I walked them to their bus on the corner. I waved bye and waited for it to drive past before I turned and crossed the street. I continued straight down the street towards the park where I and my elementary school friends, Kelly and Selena always met up before going anywhere together. I can’t believe we all chose the same high school. Morgan Park High School. Maybe because it’s close to home. Well, I know that was the case for me. I wanted to at least still be with my sisters before I go off to college.

                                         I sat on the bench that was on the sidewalk just outside the park, to make sure they see me. I texted them both in a group chat. Waiting on you two I’m going to be late, my mom will kill me. I heard a ding, and looked up, they were both heading towards me laughing. I stood up. “Hey,” (Kelly said). “Good morning,” (Selena said). 

“Good morning.” (I said). “Tell her why it’s a good morning.”  (Kelly giggled).

“And that is.?”  (Selena asked)

“Omg, you just told me. You know why.” (Kelly said)

“Oh.! Yeah, I woke up to the best text ever.” (Selena said) 

“ And it said.?” (I asked) 

“ Brad asked me to go with him and his family to pro golf.!” (Selena said)

“Ummm, not to burst your bubble, but shouldn’t you meet them first.?”

“ You know, meet his people first.?”  (I asked)

“That’s what I said, but he told me that’s the reason I’m invited.  He asked his parents when would be a good time for me to meet them, and they suggested when they go golfing.” (Selena said)

“Oh.” ( Kelly and I said)

“Cool. Well, I’m happy for you if you’re happy. Try not to be too nervous, and just be yourself, but be respectful, and thoughtful towards his people.” (I said) 

“Right.” (Kelly agreed)

“Look at you giving out advice. (Kelly said laughing)


“Girl, shut up” (I said)

We reached the school and made it to the line where everyone was going through the metal detectors.

“No seriously. When are you going to get a boyfriend? I mean you’re the only one that’s single out of us three. And you too pretty and talented to not have had your first boyfriend yet. (Kelly said while laughing again)


“Hahaha” ( I said in Kelly’s tone)  “ look I’m just not in a rush. You know how these boys are. They could be senior, acting like they in 7th grade. Plus I just want to wait till I meet the right person.” (I said)

“Understandable.” (Selena said) “Besides, (she said with a giggle) we are juniors now.  She got time to find a cute junior or senior.”

We made it through the metal detectors, and we all had the first period together. So we walked in and sat right next to each other. Myself being in the middle, because they always argue over who sits next to me.

Chapter 2: Old And New

So, the first day back seems to be moving kinda fast.  It’s now 3:20, and I’m heading to my last class of the day which, is literature. I’m still thinking about what happened in the class before which, was music.  I was upset at first to see that she was giving out assigned seats, but she placed me in a seat right next to one of my best friends. Selena. She was so excited she yelled and hugged me. When she attempted to whisper in my ear. “I have to tell you something.”  It sounded like a whisper to me, because I’m used to her being so loud, but it wasn’t close to it.  “Great would you like to tell all of us?”  The teacher said. “No, sorry,” Selena said.

To my surprise, the person she assigned to sit next to me was a handsome guy, named  Nashawn.  I was so shocked when he reached out his hand and introduced himself that when it was my turn to say my name I said it so weird that it sounded like peanut butter. He said “peanut butter.?”  I and Selena started laughing. I was like no no that’s not what I said it’s Prayer.  “Oh no. I’m sure I just heard peanut butter. “Well, you must be hungry.” (I said)

“Right” (Selena agreed.)

“And you are.?” (Nashawn said, extending his hand in front of me)

“I’m Selena she said, extending her’s)

I walked into the classroom, it looks like I’m the first one. The teacher looked up and saw me. “Oh there are no assigned seats, just sit wherever you want.” ok”  I walked to a seat by the window at the back of the room, and sat down.  “My name is  Mrs. Trinity. I’m a cool, and fun teacher if respected.”  “Prayer,” I said extending my hand. No need to worry about that with me.  I could never open my mouth to be disrespectful to an adult, my mom would not only embarrass me but also take every device and debit card I own and ground me for  what seems like forever.”  “Oh. here’s her number.  I handed her a card with my mom’s number on it.” “Oh. Thank you. She said.

                                                                   I took my notebook for the class out and started to read the board. Just when I put my head down and began to write, someone tapped me on my shoulder. I looked up and was shocked to see it was Nashawn.  He laughed seeing my expression. “You a stalker peanut butter.?” he asked.  I smiled then, quickly stopped trying not to show how happy I was. “You wish. I said laughing.” “This is my last class,” I said.

“Oh yeah. Let me see your schedule.”

“Why.?” I asked.

                           “ I just want to see what classes you have,?“Mmhm” I said    handing him my schedule.“ Why you say it like that.?” he asked laughing.

“I feel like you're just trying to check and see if I’m really in this class.”

“Nah, I believe you. I mean if you weren’t really in this class I wouldn’t say anything about it anyway. Plus I like peanut butter.”  hahaha haha we both started laughing. “Hey! Nashawn, stop distracting her.” Mrs. Trinity said. “I’m sorry,” I said. “No, you’re right Mrs. T. I apologize to both of you,” he said looking at me.

I finished the assignment kind of fast.  I looked up and saw that Nashawn had his head down with his earpiece in his ears.  He must have finished faster.

I checked the time on my phone it wasn’t time to go yet, but it was close. I put my head down and waited for the bell to ring. Come 4:00 the bell rang so loud I jumped. 

“Jeez were you sleep.?” (Nashawn asked handing the girl that was standing in front of us both of our notebooks.)

“Don’t worry, I think we’re the only ones that peeked that.?” (she said smiling)

“Good to know I said laughing feeling pretty embarrassed. Yeah, I was asleep. I worked late so I was a bit sleepy ” 

"Oh yeah sure a bit," Nashawn said laughing.

“Ohh. I’m Diamond.” (she said extending her hand, first to me then to Nashawn.)

“Prayer.” (I said shaking her hand)

“Nashawn” (he said putting his jacket, and bookbag on completely ignoring her hand.) 

“I and Diamond just stared at him until he looked up.”

“Oh. I’m sorry I don’t shake hands.”

“Oh wow ok, I get it. You too cool for that.” (Diamond said walking away)

I was confused. Didn’t he shake hands with me and Selena.? I thought, putting my jacket, and bookbag on. He must have noticed cause he said,

“Ok. I do it to girls I want to do it with. Well, to be honest, I only shook… what’s that girl’s name.? The loud one.?” 

“Selena.?” (I asked laughing.) 

“Yeah. Her. I only shook hers, cause she’s your friend.” (He said) we walked out of the class together.

“Why.?” (I kinda knew, but wasn’t sure.) He leaned down, and said in a whisper… “I can be the jelly.”

I was shocked and confused. “What?”  I thought maybe I heard him wrong, but I guess not cause he said nevermind that was corny, turned, and walked off so fast I didn’t get a chance to respond.  Umm ok, I said to myself. Then I started laughing because if that’s really what he said then yes that was corny.

 I walked down the stairs heading towards the other exit which took me right out in front of the parking lot. I stood in front of the exit but left just enough room for people to come in and out. I put my head down and reached into my purse for my phone.“Hey! WATCH OUT!” I heard someone say it loud and clear. I thought it was Nashawn’s voice, but I didn’t think he was talking to me.  I heard another loud sound. The sound of a car was making a loud scraping sound against the ground. I looked up and my heart started racing, I couldn’t move, or yell. Then I couldn’t hear anything or see anything.  

Kelly's P.O.V

“No-no-no.  OH MY GOD! PRAYER!” I screamed.  “What.  Just happened.?” Selena asked running to my side panting. “It’s Prayer. Something happened to her.”  

“OH MY GOD! That’s Nashawn!” (Someone from the crowd of people  gathered around the accident said.) 

 The security guards rushed through the crowd.  “Everybody move back. Move. Now.” (one of them said.)  “Oh, my God” (another one said) “Has anyone called an ambulance.?” (the first one said)   “I did!” (I said)  “ Did you tell them we needed more than one truck.?” (the security guard asked.) “Yes”  (I said.) “Ok, good. How long did they say they would be.?” Before I could answer. The ambulance pulled up. My mind started to go blank. Please. Please, let Prayer be alive. I thought.

The Paramedics rushed over to the bodies on the ground and in the car.  “I got a pulse!” (one of them yelled out )  “Ok, let’s get him in the truck!”  “I got a pulse here too!” (another yelled) “Alright get him in the truck.” What about the other two?” (one of them asked).   Two of the trucks drove off.   “I got a pulse!” (one of the Paramedics said).  “Alright let’s get her in.”  

“There’s no pulse here.” (another Paramedic yelled).  “I got an 18-year old, female who stopped breathing.”  “prepare the AED”- (Automated External Defibrillator). “Let’s try to bring her back.”


“CLEAR!”...    “NO RESPONSE!” (one of the female Paramedics yelled).  “READY!” 

“CLEAR!”...  “STILL NOTHING!” (she yelled again).



Chapter 3: Worried And Awake


“4 students of a public high school. (Morgan Park).  located on the southside of Chicago, Illinois. Was involved in an accident just outside the school.” “2 females both 18 and 2 males ages 19 and 20.” “It appears that 1 of the males the 19-year old is in a coma The 20-year old is in critical condition. One of the females is in a coma, and unfortunately the other was announced deceased at the scene.    
              Witnesses at the scene say the 20-year old was driving when one of his tires popped off while he attempted to turn. The car then went twirling around out of control, until it landed on the school’s wall just outside one of the exits of the school. 

Prylia's P.O.V

“Oh my god” (I said). “Mom that’s Prayer’s school!” (Pryer yelled). “What did you just say.?” (mom asked running to the living room from the kitchen). “I watched the news with my mom and sister. Terrified that my sister might be one of them, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone. Her phone didn’t ring. “Mom her phone, it’s it’s.” “It’s what.?” (mom asked.) “It’s going straight to voicemail.” (I said).

She pulled out her phone. “Go get your coats.” (she yelled) Pryer already had put hers on. She grabbed mines off the coat rack and threw it at me. I pulled mines on, as I followed my mom and sister outside to the car. I climbed in and fastened my seat belt then turned to my sister Pryer. “Put your seatbelt on.” (I told her). I always have to remind her otherwise she would go a whole ride without it on.

We made it to the nearest hospital. My mom was sure she’d be here if she was in an accident. Before my sister and I got out of the car, my mom was already at the front entrance. She ran up to the front desk and asked if they had a patient named Prayer Hill. The lady at the front desk told her “yes they just brought her in.” she called over a nurse that was standing nearby.

The nurse took us to my sister’s room. A doctor was standing next to her. when he looked up and turned to face us I could see his name tag said, Xavier Hyde. I looked over at Prayer and wanted to hug her but she looked like she was in pain so I knew that wasn't an option. Her right arm was in a cask. She had a bandage on her head. She looked pale and had bruises all over. There was a bandage on her neck, her left elbow, and quite a few scratches on her face. Oh no, she is going to flip when she sees it.

"Hello, Mrs... " What's wrong with my baby?" (Mom asked cutting him off) "I'm sorry to say, your daughter is in a coma.” (the doctor said). “It looks like she didn’t get hurt too bad but she hit her head pretty hard and broke her right arm.” " What.?" (Mom asked annoyed). Oh oh, what he just said made mama furious. " What the. Hmm, tell me Mr. Hyde what exactly is your definition of bad?" The doctor opened his mouth probably to explain himself but mom apologized and told him she was just upset because Prayer was hurt. He told her it was alright, and that everything would be okay.

Nashawn's P.O.V

Two WEEKS LATER… I opened my eyes, slowly because my head was in so much pain. I turned slowly to the right then to the left.“You’re awake” (my mom asked). Before I could respond she ran out of the room screaming for a doctor. I tried to remember why I was here. Then it all came back to me like a movie playing in my head. I remember one of my classmate's yelling look someone’s tire popped off. I looked in the direction she was pointing in and I saw Prayer standing right where the car was headed.

I tried to warn her as I ran towards her, but I was so scared she would get hurt if she didn’t look up in the time that I couldn’t get her name out. I could only yell the words watch out. she didn’t hear me or maybe she didn’t know I was talking to her. I ran towards her and I remember grabbing her arm and falling. Did she get hit.? Or did she fall with me.? I tried to sit up. I didn't even notice my mom and a doctor were standing next to me.

“Whoa whoa, take it easy” (the doctor said). “I don’t feel too bad” (I told him).“Well yeah, you’re not too bad (he laughed.) Unlike the others, you’re quite alright.” (he said while holding a light and a finger in front of my eyes). It took me a minute to process what he just said. “ you will need some painkillers and some A and D ointment, but “Wait wait say that again.” the others.? Was she… my mind ran wild. “No no. say that again.”

“Which part about the pain killers.? Or “No! (I shouted making him and my mom jump) cutting him off again. The others.? Is the girl ok.?” “Which girl.?” Her name is Prayer Hill. she’s like 5,3. She has green eyes. She was wearing a dark jacket with dark jeans, she has dark blue hair and she had a bracelet on. It was a crystal ball with stars circling it. “Oh yes, I just left her room. She’s stable, but she is in a coma.” I froze up after hearing that. What did I do.? I thought.

“How about this, you just stay lying down and I will go check on her for you. Okay.?” “ok.”(I said). “Just um please just tell me when I can see her