

Every girl will have certain things to be done to feel her self complete!!!!.... I haven't felt that all these days.....

My day is incomplete without your "good morning &good night texts ".... My day is always full filed with our random insensible talks.... My day was never accomplished without our LOL's & ROLF' s😂😂😂.... My day is always contented with you....

I may sound A little cinematic but my incompleteness is always like a disease..... A dreadful one...."COLD".... Sometimes I tend to forget that i have cold... But all of a sudden with in the second flashes a SNEEZE OR COUGH would hit me to show that i am there in you... ... Your my SNEEZE..... my COUGH...

The best medication for this cold will always put you into sleep unconditionally and unconsciously.... Like wise my medication for my incompleteness is.... OUR MEMORIES..... OUR LAUGHTER'S...... OUR SAME PINCH'S ..... OUR STUPID CRAZY RANDOM TALKS.... which will put me into sleep unknowingly..... With a small smile on my face.....

Cinematic right!!!!!

This uncontented feeling is always like a COIN.... Where I will regret that I am uncontented the next minute I would go back into the reminisce of our nonstop stupid talks... From the day 1.... Which runs like a river of imagery...

Like a small child getting confused on selecting the ice-cream flavour.... I get confused on choosing between my moods and emotions... I pursue to ask a question to myself..... Am I happy and rejoicing that I know all our crazy talks memorized OR sad that I feel the incompleteness without you....

Confusing 😕❓!!!!!

Since every confusion has a solution.... Every confusion will always have an answer......the final answer is YOU ....!!! ❤...

My confusion will end the moment I see your HEY !!! Text or THE CALLED ID SHOWING YOUR NAME...!!! ... You are always my last piece of puzzle.... You are always my inevitable wing to fly high... You are always my sunshine.... And am your moonlight... But there will be a intolerable feel of incompleteness and this shows how much you are in me....??!!!

I know I am trying to gather all the words that I know to express my feelings.... And I know I will keep on saying more... But I don't have a clear picture on how to conclude this since I still feel the incompleteness and am still confused about my conclusion... Until I get a proper answer for my confusion....... Wait for my conclusion....

Happy living....