

Kim taehyung as your daddy 🥵18+

y/n POV
it's your first day at work and you are really excited.
you get ready and catch the bus
with in 10min you reach the office
you go and take a seat
A man came and sat besides you
he asked your name
and you said your name and age for him
he said "My name is Kim Taehyung and well I'm 24 " you smiled at him and started working.
( it was a break time)
when you get up from the seat taehyung came upto you and asked for lunch
your heart started beating fast
you said yes and went with him for lunch

he introduced you to his friends jk and jimin
they said hi to you and kept staring at you and tae .
you took a seat side of tae
jimin and jk started whispering
you asked them what where they whispering about.
they just shooked there head and said nothing with a smirk on there face .
you guys had lunch and got back to work.

It was 6:00pm and it was the time to head back home.

Tae comes upto you again and asks you to walk home with him and his friends.
your heart again started beating fast.
you agree with hesitation.
Jimin comes near you and whispers in your ears
" hey y/n come over to my house i want to know more about you"
Taehyung comes and takes you to another side and asks jimin and jk to go on there way back home.
you and tae keep walking until you find out that you both are neighbour
you both chuckle and say we are neighbours
that's so awesome.
next few days passed away.
you felt like a connection with tae you started thinking about him everyday.
one evening you had lot of work so you asked tae to leave early he said he could wait.
but you forced him to leave.
it became 10:00 pm
you started to head back home.
you walked few minutes and fell because of your heels. you started bleeding and it was hard to walk for you but you didn't give up and you reached your house.
Taehyung came out and saw you in pain ,he quickly rushes to you and lifts you and takes you in your house and bring first aid .
your heart started beating fast .

Taehyung started applying you some medicine .
after he felt you are alright he washed his hands and came near you .
you started staring at Taehyungs lips and he was too.
you both slowly kissed , it was very passionate kiss.
you said him that you like him and he said he likes you too.
you kiss again . and you both started in bottoning your shirt .
he kissed your neck making purple marks .
he kisses your boobs .
he removes your pantie and you give a moan.
he says u " oh baby you are so damn wet can i eat you up first". you get shy and say yes
he starts licking you
you bacame so damn wet
he take you to the 69 position
and u suck his dick
later u guys get hickey all over your neck and chest
he puts his dick in your pussy and fucks u
he started moving faster
you where in pain then it turned into a pleasure.
it became more than an hour you guys are having sex . jk knocks at the door hearing some sounds.
taehyung forgot to say you that jk and jimin is staying at his house
he quickly take u to the bathroom and close the door
he took a towel and wrapped it
he opens the door and sees tae panting
jk asks tae wts up with him
tae replied i had the a dream and I'm exhausted ( and slams the door)
tae said u
"This is my first and the best night with you"
you guys kiss roughly saying daddy 🥵 and baby .
after half an hour he takes you to ur house
and thanks you .
you smile and say thank you too
you guys laugh and go back to your house with a pleasing kiss.
that's all for the story I'm doing
another part that will be of jk if u really like this series
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and if u don't pls don't report or block it's 18+ series
thank you have a great day ahead