

The False Alarm
A catastrophe has been predicted, we should be alert at all times. It does not describe anything but its severity - which is massive. All we can do is wait and be ready. It will occur at 12am on the dot. Here it comes! 12:01... 12:02... 12:03... What happened?

As the clock struck 12, the entire city held its breath in anticipation of the predicted catastrophe. People had stocked up on supplies, secured their homes, and taken shelter in safe zones, preparing for the worst. But as the minutes ticked by and nothing happened, confusion and disbelief spread like wildfire.

At 12:05, the first tentative steps were taken outside. People peered cautiously from behind curtains, opened doors just a crack, and ventured out onto the streets. The eerie silence was broken by the sound of shuffling feet, as people emerged from hiding places to tentatively explore their surroundings.

As the minutes turned into hours, it became clear that the predicted catastrophe had not materialized. Rumors began to circulate that it had all been a false alarm, a cruel hoax perpetrated by someone with too much time on their hands. Angry mobs took to the streets, demanding answers and accountability.

In the days that followed, investigations were launched, and the authorities scoured the city for any evidence of the predicted catastrophe. But no trace could be found. It was as if the whole thing had been a figment of someone's imagination.

As the city slowly returned to normal, people began to reflect on the lessons learned from the false alarm. They realized that in times of crisis, it was important to remain calm and rational, rather than giving in to fear and panic. And they resolved to be better prepared for whatever the future might hold.

© Laks