

It was already midnight. But, she didn't wanted to go to sleep. tomorrow was a weekend. The day she can enjoy the most. In her littil home there was only she and her old mom.
her mom already slept, giving her time to spent for herself. she sat near the window on the couch with some night snacks. that is when she decided to look through the window into the empty streets...
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination?
She was scared to death. Her snacks bowl fall to the rug. She almost choked on my food. As she saw a white thing moving.
But now it was not there, making her more scared. She woke from her couch and went outside, just to make sure nobody is there.
When she went outside there was nothing as she wished, but some thing felt different...
suddenly she felt someone was behind her, she quickly turned and then she fall into unconsciousness
When she woke up she was in her own couch, but, she was breathing heavily, she looked back into the mist filled street.....
and there was nothing, but there was something in the nothingness.