

Devastated ( a mind bending thriller short Novella coming soon)
Ruthless, absurd, and sometimes cruel.

Crueller then Cruella.

People might perceive life as a lot of things. It could be a beautiful journey, a dangerous ride, an overlapping turn of events, overwhelming burden, arc of sincerity, annihilation, ephemeral insanity, and some of us like to think of it as just a means to an end or simply a road to the destination of death.

The point of views is interesting we all should have a point in whatever we say or do.

Do not be a hypocrite, don't tell people what to do and don't act like you have never done it yourself once in your life.

You are guilty, filthy, rage, and abomination, nothing but a sinner. Why do you commit sins, you don't like sins nobody does why do crimes exist then, emotions are a powerful tool, and a dangerous weapon often serial killers or people who do bad things are driven by different emotions it could be rage, vengeance, jealousy, or importance, or may be it is all about the feeling of being important the feeling of being significant of being someone instead of no one even if its bad most people smoke cigarettes not because they wanted to because they think it makes them look cool they 're right about one thing though according to their surroundings their circle they do look cool smoking a cigarette.

Morning, it's beautiful.

I love doing yoga. We all do in the morning, however, do we, though? Do we all do stuff on time or do we procrastinate to do we all don't complete our routines on time or only few of us face such problems?

Glass can never be healed if it's broken it yet can be put together if temperature is increased it might even be molded into something more beautiful and stable then its previous morphology.

If you can't do the yoga in the morning today, you can do it tomorrow, you can probably do it in the evening why should it be important to do it in the morning don't push it.

Stop! Sometimes it is the best solution.

Stop before its too late that's what they say right? Stop before its too late but look in the mirror is it really ever too late.

It is never too late to look behind you wherever you are, in a room; inside your bathroom, outside or inside the house.

Look behind you what do you see? Are you home alone? Are you afraid now do you know what fear is look behind you again find out?

You are looking?!

Did you see it?

You need to look carefully don't stop ever.

Don't think it's gone. It is waiting for you it might be in your room already or in the kitchen it's probably in the bathroom or maybe it is upstairs, it might be near the street sign if you are outside or in the restaurant table next to you if you are dining.

Are you afraid? What is it? It is looking at you look behind again, did you see its glowing eyes.

Fooled! Of course there is nothing in your house why you are hiding? The blanket won't save you? Why are you shivering it will only make it want to kill you more?

Don't be stupid, fooled easily instead, try to survive.

Run outside or wait you could pick a weapon and fight conclusion death!

No way you are going to fight something with green eyes run away while it's time still.

Do you know it's form or shape, do you recognize the voice, have you seen it or touched it or looked into its eyes, have you done anything literally?

Tell yourself what are you afraid of?

Conclusion, congratulations!

You are officially done throughout what you just read, you felt sympathy, empathy, fear, rage, vengeance, guilt, loss, and failure.

You're officially a criminal and ready to see what's behind you.

Remember the only survival trick is insisted of letting your emotions drive you try and drive them.

Peter Gravel a 23 years old medical student decided that he wanted to be a writer as soon as he completed his education in University.

Graduation party was amazing, though Peter was not so happy as he felt like he was dead inside, Peter was no happy that day why?

Was he alone did none of his friends came to his party, was it bunch of strangers all around him on his special day, was his girlfriend or boyfriend busy.

They did not bother to call him.

Are his parents dead why would they not come.

Why was he sad?

Peter was dead inside, rotten.

Empty a void that can't be filled, loneliness cold feeling shivering through his spine, a coldness down his throat, dark sense of sight. The next moment he was gasping.

Legs were frozen, eyes turned glowy dark. Was he alone? Was the party still going? Is the party still going are you Peter too? Are you sad?

Do you feel dead inside?


Right now?


How was your graduation? Remember the bits? Did you graduate at all? Do you regret it? Were your dreams shattered.

Peter discovered he did not want to be in the room because he did not deserve it.

We often Perceive we don't deserve things or others don't deserve us.

Why who are we to perceive that even our own decisions or life is out of our control makes you wonder are you just a small filthy creature of cosmos a grand law ruling the universe in the face of it you are nothing absolutely nothing.

Was he enjoying the music, no. Why not it's party meant for him why not enjoy it what was the reason we don't know anything about this world how can we know why Peter was sad, how can Peter know why Peter was sad? Did you discover it? Did you discover yourself.

Are you yourself?

Are you pretending?

Do you hate it?

Do you hate you?

Don't you want to change however, for the sake of others or your own.

Peter left the room.

Peter went upstairs.

He saw green eyes.

He did not see a ghost but a mirror.

Peter eyes were reflecting the void within. Peter was afraid of himself.

What was Peter of about himself? May be it's not about that at all? What was really bothering him?

Peter was 25 years old at time of graduation.

Did he really grow up?

Peter where is Peter?


In his room, in front of the mirror.

He is trying to study himself yet seing somebody else.

Peter does not know this Peter.

Peter does not know himself.

Until today.

Peter was sad.

Peter does not know this Peter.

Peter does not know himself.

Until today.

Peter was sad.

© S.Ali