

These Eyes
I've seen so much but so little, how can I be 44 and the farthest Ive ever been is Florida but feel so exhausted like Ive sailed across the blue sea and back. I think of all my eyes have seen in 44 years but in reality Ive lived a pretty carefree, sheltered life here in the U.S. and have not seen anything compared to some of ny counter parts who are even much younger than I. Im not lying when I say Americans are Spoiled, Sheltered, and Unloving, is that harsh could be a little harsh but I find Im accepted more from everyone else than My American Friends unless I act a certain way, that fake get on your nerves way. None of my friends have a clue I write only 1 friend. Covid was an eye opener I believe it hit the U.S. to remind of us what family, friends, and Americans need to slow down. Of course I was told No but we were not treating each other like brothers and sisters, the racism is bad, the rich was getting richer while the poor was really using the system so it was the Middle Class really taking a hit. The Poor in America eat better than the middle class, that's what my eyes see, they get their rent paid for, utilities paid for, and if you have 2 kids you get 800 a month in foodtamps that most single mothers sell even tho they get about 200-300 in cash but are broke right away, so if you dont pay rent, utilities or for food where does their cash go, well in, Michigan it goes to Beer, Booze, Drugs, Victoria Secret, all Bullshit, that's exactly what my eyes have been seeing. See these Moms sell tbeir Foodstamps, Have people claim their kids on their taxes because god forbid they actually get a job and work, see Im a Contractor since Covid I still get no help just Unemployment.