

Jealousy, a Monstrous Vice.
#WritcoStoryPrompt121 Write a short story with the word "Jealousy" as the main theme.

I do not think there is a more grievous and deep rooted feeling that bedevils our generation especially the African society like jealousy.

No one plans to become a victim of this emotional malady, but as we grow older we become consumed by this insidious emotion. We express this feelings involuntarily.

There are varying factors that give rise to this feeling. This ranges from our childhood experiences, environments, upbringing etc. It is generally more exemplified in a typical polygamous family.

Members of the same family but different mothers tend to get easily jealous and envious sometimes when their counterparts are seen to be more prosperous in their endeavours.

Consequently, if this is not noticed and addressed early by the victims, they tend to carry this into their adulthood and marriages.

There are cases where couples become jealous of their partners achievements especially in a family where one of the couple is a more ambitious and career driven individual.

Our workplaces also see the display of this emotional epidemic amongst employees especially when one seem to be getting promoted more than the others even when it is based on merit.

Relationships between the opposite sex during dating or courtship also record the most episodes of jealousy. This can be noticed when a partner sees he/her partner frolicking with the opposite sex. Jealousy amongst young people in relationships most times leads to possessiveness and may even become dangerous as sometimes they get physical with their partners in trying to express their emotions. This could lead partners sometimes to
become unduly insecure and suspicious, if this is not properly managed.

Jealousy is usually subtle and grows gradually without the immediate impact seen but in the long run it becomes deeply ingrained in a person hence the victim becomes a time bomb waiting to explode. At this point, this feeling becomes untamed.

Even in the Bible, we saw many instances where this feeling drove people to the point of even murder and deception. For example Sarah deceived Isaac to favour Jacob in place of Esau, and Cain killed his blood brother out of sheer jealousy.

We all have this emotion but our degree of expression is what makes it obvious or latent.

When anyone is driven by jealousy he/she do not make rational decisions as they are already in a preconceived and bias mental state which usually beclouds their sense of rationality.

The foreign societies are not exempted from this destructive feeling but the reason in such setting are greatly different from ours.

Although Jealousy can be harnessed positively when it drives a healthy competition amongst individuals and groups to pursue life and business goals with all sense of modesty and decency. But when channelled wrongly the implications and consequences are always negative and inevitably detrimental.

How does our generation put a check on this abysmal emotional vice? It is important we understand the structure of our society so as to address this issue from the root. Almost everyone is from a family and our family play crucial role in our early lives.

Therefore, parents, guardians and teachers should watch out for the expression of jealousy amongst their wards. We should begin to instill the culture and discipline of contentment in our younger generation in their endeavours so that they will carry it on in their later life. The Bible says “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”Proverbs 22:6

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