

Free Tghts.
It's been....a minute sense I've Put a New Entry here. "Feels" Great to be back. I've Gotten To the Point Where Intellectually I've grown Stronger In multiple Areas & Mutured in others.

What else Can be said But ... This 3rd dimension Is A Disaster... and it's nothing Nu. This Place Is Counterproductive To (ANYBODY) Striving to Elevate Spiritually.... Mentally or Emotionally...etc.
Whether it's (Meaningless) With Your "Peers" Over Propaganda Distractions or The Constant Need to Regulate Every aspect Of Humanity. For to long Different (People/Man/ Etc.) Have gone against the "Laws of Nature" Interrupting it's Natural Flow. The "Plastic" Trash (which should've never been Created in the 1st place) has Beeeeeeennnnnn A Problem For Decades.... Amoungst other "Created" Problems.

What People have To "Know" is....this Land Mass They Call " United States" Was "Created" To Destroy itself, Nothing Runs With Attendance. The Prisons... The School "Facilities" The Churches " Etc... All are Places Of A BIG business To Keep ( Most) @ A FAIRYTALE level of Thinking.
The 'Hospital" Facilities Have To keep you "SICK" in order to stay In business... Henceforth why This Society Pushes Trash Azz Unhealthy Narratives Such as Fast.... PLASTIC FOODS... etc.

The Slogan The "American" Dream Was a Great "Sales" Pitch... like Any Salesperson They've gotta get & Keep You Hype off of things you Don't really Need etc. Print "PAPER" OFF OF A MACHINE AND Pushing to The Weaker Minds That It has Actual Value. Which Has More "Value" A Penny or A Dollar???...

Most People would say the ....Dollar.. however It's the Penny...it's An actual Real "MINERAL" and Can Be Melted Down For other Uses/ Cures etc.
The Original People Of This Land Mass....HAVE TO STAND UP NOW... we Allow Other People To "Borrow" This Place ...& Look Where it is now..!
This Is The Reason The weather Has been ...Out of wack Lately.. Because Nature Is tired of these....."OBSOLETE" Practices & VIBRATIONZ.
Nothing In Nature Is or was Supposed to be Used For "Evil" Or Unproductive Purposes... HOMELESSNESS WAS CREATED...ETC Everything in Nature is "Free" Food/ Water / Electricity. The Basic Needs to start Anyyyyyyyy Civilization, everything else is Extra. How Do You Put "RESTRICTIONS" ON GROWING YOUR OWN FOOD.....OR HARVESTING UR OWN ELECTRICITY ETC. BILLS ARE FUCKIN MADE UP... ( EVVVVVVVVERYTHING) IS PRE~FUCKIN~PAID... because Of the "STRAWMAN" BIRTH CERTIFICATE... BASICALLY A FAKE....PAPER VERSION OF YOU ME... & EVERYBODY. So this Place/Simulated SOCIETY WILL NEVER PAY BILL THEY'RE WORTH @ JOBS ETC.

Think about it like Dis....Why would They Pay you Enough to Quiet & Do your own Thing... Nobody would stay In Business Correct...Just like The Hospital Facilities Need Sick PATIENTS/ PPL!!!.
Why Would This Place....Want Healthy Non~GMO foods???? When it Contradicts The Whole Reason It's Setup!

This Place Needs To Be TORN DOWN & REBUILT (PROPERLY) &( IN HARMONY WITH NATURE) PLACES people Call Cities Isn't Suppose to Have Radiation... When Nature Provides ELECTRICITY for FUCKIN FREE ( CERTAIN MUSHROOMS/ Solar ETC.)

Start Preparing If You Already Haven't. Stock up On All Emergency Items...that Correspond with your Area & Situation. Whether They ( Govt. ) Etc Or Nature Shuts this Shit down... it's Coming & well overFuckindue!

For Support or Donationz: $PeaceandBlessingz
@cozmikmindz222 on Instagram