

I look at her and notice how flawless her smile is , how truthful her eyes are , how beautiful her soul is . I wonder if I'll ever find someone someone so beautiful and substantial in my life as her . you can't count on things that surround you . Light escalate over darkness , dawn arrives , dusk falls , season change , and years pass by . you grow from a kid to a teen , into an adult , become old and everything ends one day . may be the cycle restarts after it , or may there is nothing but your name craved over a tombstone in a graveyard or ash

people come into your life through an open door and lock it behind them . once they leave , you beleive that you should not allow anyone else to come through it anymore . Nothing is in your hands and you possess power over nothing . heck , you cant even stop yourself from withering away . you diminish with time .

somewhere and sometimes , she keeps me awake at nights , but sometimes , the thought of her makes me sleep peacefully . sometimes , i dont know who i am with her . i forget about the dead me and bloom in her spring, only to wither again at night , little by little ....
but damn i need her ...
i want to feel what it us to be alive with her , to dance with her in the rain and not burned , to live without shred of the past in sight . i enjoy to lively presence that this girl brings to my struggle .
Not much easier to be loved , not much easier to give love . but i still wanna struggle for you presence and love in m life ❤️