

Story starting from a young girl who is sitting in a class in front bench.She is talking continously to her benchmates so positively.But she is eagerly looking around the door sometimes with a tension.Laughters all around her.The benchmates are laughing 😂 non stop while hearing her words.She also talking non stop.The school bell 🔔 rings suddenly and all are silent.The class becomes pindrop silence.A teacher enters into the class by holding books in one hand and a stick in other hand.The teacher place the stick and books into the table and started to taking attendance.The students started to speak there roll no.After some time teacher started to take the class.When class is going, teacher, teacher somebody called the teacher from outside.The teacher stops the class and looked outside.It was a boy who comes late in class without wearing proper uniform, without carrying books his bag was empty that we can see from his bag's appearance.The teacher scold him for coming late in class and told him to sit in his place.The young girl sitting in the front bench started to tensed and her heart beats increased .She looks backward and try to focus on class.After some time the teacher calls the boy and ask him a question that the teacher was teaching at that time.But he didn't answer for that question.Teacher ask him why?Why are you not focusing?Not wearing proper uniform,Not coming class on time,Focus on my class otherwise get out,the teacher said angrily.He said teacher I was focusing but I was about to wear my footwear at that time teacher called me.The teacher told him to throw your footwear and focus on my class.He became silent.All others in class started to laugh loudly.The young girl also laughed but after some time she felt sad regret for laughing...........She turn her head backward and looked once again.................

Thanks for reading my short story..

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