

The orphan:4
When Shivay took her in his car and drove off towards his house.When he parked his car and took her luggages inside where by he showed her,her room.When they headed downstairs where he saw Padma who was his wife with Murty her daughter.
Shivay:Hey!Murty this is Ishan the orphan I adopted
Murty:(stretching out her hand)Nice to meet you Ishan
Ishan:Nice to meet you too
Padma:Why don't we go and have lunch together?
Shivay:That would be nice
It was the next day in an early morning as Padma woke up prepared Murty and Ishan for school when Shivay drove them for school.
Shivay:Nice studies everybody!
When they arrived in class Murty stood in front of the class.
Murty:Guys we have somebody new here his name is Ishan.Now who wants to share a desk with him?
When she looked all around the class and noticed Narayan who was sitting alone
Murty:(pointing at her desk)You better go and sit beside her.And please mind your words she isnt so good at speaking you know.
Ishan:(politely)I understand
When she quickly headed towards the desk kept her bag beside her chair.
Narayan:(while busy writing)Hi!
As Murty headed at the back of the class to her group the so called*THE GALAXY*
Murty:(putting her bag on the chair)Good morning girls
Nehru:Hey!How are you related to that handsome kid I mean Ishan
Murty:I am so tired mind doing me some massage around my shoulders?
Murty:Well he's an orphan adopted by my father you know?
When their sports teacher whose name was Balu entered
Balu:Today we are going to have rugby for sports but Rama is not feeling well today so who will replace him?Any volunteer?
When Narayan took a hold of Ishans arm and raised it up
Ishan:Hey!What are you doing?I have never played rugby I......
Narayan:You can explain that to the teacher instead
When she stood up and left
Ishan:No this so.......*shit*
As it was sports time Ishan was given the sports wear and she was placed in the WOLF'S TEAM.They began playing Ishan scored 10 scores and at the end her team won.
Murty:(to Ishan)Nice playing skills
Ishan:Thank you
Murty:(starring at her watch)It's home time ready you better pack up quick and get to the school bus.
When they boarded the school bus and headed back home
Padma:Now go and change your cloths
As they changed their cloths Murty headed to the sitting room and turned the television on while Ishan headed towards the kitchen
Ishan:Is there anything I can help you with?
Padma:Boys never enter the kitchen so I am fine you go on
Ishan:Please let me I am fine with being in the kitchen
Padma:Since you insist can you prepare a salad?
Padma:Now go on ahead and do it
As they were done they set dinner on the table
Padma:Can you go and call Murty so that we can have dinner
When Ishan headed towards the sitting room
Ishan:Mummy said that you should come for dinner
Murty:(turning off the TV)Okay I am on my way
As they had headed towards the sitting room Murty sat on the chair
Murty:Where is daddy?
Padma:He isn't back from work yet
Murty:I really miss him
After they had dinner everyone headed in her bedroom.It was around 9:00pm as Shivay was back from work when he heard someone sobing he headed towards Ishans room opened the door and found Ishan sitting on bed crying
But she didn't reply she went on crying when he went to sit beside her.Layed her head on his chest
Shivay:(patting her back)Everything's okay now
Ishan:(lifting her pale face)Daddy can you take me to Buddha? I really need to talk to him.
Shivay:I will take you tomorrow morning but as for now you should sleep first
Ishan:My eyes are dry
Shivay:What about a bed time story?
Ishan:(smillingly)I would really love that daddy
It was that time as Padma went to wake up Murty
Padma:Hey!Guess what?Daddy's home
Murty:(in disbelief)Really I can't wait to hug him while he read me a bedtime story.Where is he?
Padma:Go and find out
When Murty quickly skipped off her bed she searched for him all over the house when she heard some murmurs she decided to go and peep in Ishans room where she noticed Ishan who was lying her head on Shivays chest