

The Future is Entrapping
Is the future preconceived or does it change very frequently? Answer the question by writing a story.
As Albert Einstein said ,"Time is relative," or irrelavent.
Apparently a person's velocity might slow down time the closer to the speed of light they travel.
"A thousand years is as a day"the scriptures. To the Israeli Deity.
Buenos Dios, how did various languages develop, apparently by extraterrestrials intervening with humanity. First they were ambiguous and then they morphed into humans by assigning. nouns new images human speach sounds. Why all of the various writing methods? Maybe we are Avatars in a computeristic reality that uses 4% of the universe to form what we perceive. 96% of the Universe our senses do not contemplate.
Elrune put a star on his mailbox with one angle longer and to the left. He saw the next morning that it was now the opposite way. So he got a star tattoo. He woke up the next morning from a vivid dream and saw that his tattoo was backwards. He bought a Scooter and shuffled about town shopping. When he came home he saw that someone had destroyed his grandfather clock. He wrote the Devil Church in district 21 of New York to find out if Eggbeater ILLMORE could explain it.
He was in drug rehab. He held a seance at his house and discovered that some ghosts we're sharing information from the other side. There was a dream phenomenon for the living. This dreaming many dreams was the state of dead life forms universally. They existed in dreams and nightmares to visit the living humans and lower entities minds. Their realty was a spiritual thing. Ours was material when awake. Thus the future never altered , nor the past, nor the present. in fact it recycled itself in an endless loop with zero variables.
The End

© Ruben Daniel Ophorst-Kooistra