

Deeply hurt (How to heal?)
We all have different pain thresholds. Some people can withstand a great deal of pain, while others might find it unbearable.

Which category do you think you fall into?

There are painful experiences that we try hard to forget. We may burn, throw away, or erase anything that could remind us of those memories.

On the other hand, there are precious experiences we try hard not to forget. We may carve, write, draw, photograph, or do anything we can to preserve those memories.

Yet the world works in a different way. It seems to be easier to forget all the good memories rather than the bad ones. We have to recall the good memories while the bad ones usually come uninvited.

The old saying tells us that time will heal but I do not think that is the case anymore. There are some of us that do not heal until the day we die.

The real matter is us.
Can we forgive?
Can we keep living better each day?
Can we let go?
I believe these three are the keys to healing.

© heartbeat1515