

Escaping the inescapable
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand. I immediately threw the knife shivering from head to toe. Trying to recaptulate what had happened. But to my disdain, the only thing that I remembered was trying to escape with my brother, from the invisible forces in the forest. This suddenly made me realize that my brother was no where in sight. Which meant they had taken him away from me, just like they had taken my parents away from me 10 years back.

I made up my mind that I couldn't break and I had to find the forces and rescue my brother. That's when I heard a faint feeble voice, " Help me....", when I ran in that direction I found a wounded man in a semi-conscious state, with my brother lying right beside him. I shook my brother, trying my best to make him regain consciousness, and to god's grace he did regain consciousness, but before I could rejoice, he pointed towards the man, and said,"He's the one who killed our parents." and immediately fell limp in my hands.
This made rage rush through my veins, which made me go back to get the knife to finish the man. But before I could do that I felt searing pain along the back of my head and collapsed to the ground.

When I opened my eyes I found myself lying on a bed, with my hands and feet shackled to the bed. When I screamed for help, my grandmother appeared, with a sad face. When I asked her why I was chained to the bed and where my brother was, she looked at me with sorrowful eyes, and told me I never had a brother.
I thought she had gone crazy and started shouting at her, that is when she yelled at me, to come to my senses, and with tears running down her face told me, that 10 years back I had killed my mother and stepfather and 3 days back I had tried to kill my father, wanting to protect a brother who had never really existed.

"This cannot be true" , I shouted," Neither did I kill my parents, nor did I imagine my brother. You are lying............"But before I could say anything further, 4 men came pushed me down, and after that the only thing i could remember was a sharp needle poking my hand followed by absolute darkness all around.
© Gareema Raju