

She has secrets
When a person refuses to see what's in front of their face they will lie to themselves and say "that's not real" either out of fear or/and disbelief.

To them to admit it - means they're going crazy or they feel others will look at them as such.

But no matter whether we choose to believe or not, it will not change the fact that it is what it is, and it was what it was.

The best part of it is - you're not crazy nor were you seeing things but then again you were seeing things questionable to the eyes.

But to pretend that life doesn't have unexplainable strange things to present themselves is just lying to oneself out of stupidity and lack of knowledge.

Our eyes only see what's in front of them but with the aid of cameras, microscopes, satellites, and the International space stations we are able to look out into the vastness of our universe and see what it offers.

Not only does our universe hold the most unexplainable facts, so does our planet Earth.

So for someone to outright take on disbelief rather than to explore the possibilities that life offers us more than what we can see or imagine.

From our past to our present even unto our future we will always be confronted with what seems impossible or that something which looks out of place but are real just the same.

Look with our eyes, believe with our hearts, search for the truth instead of calling someone crazy when in fact, life is crazy, amazing, surprising, and it holds the true secrets of itself.

While some truths are unbelievable others may say "hold up, wait a minute" and from this point on they believe that life holds secrets and when they are discovered they are questionable but questions are required to explore the truths within what has been presented to us not just say "it's not real" without the research that proves it all.

Come on now.

Our world has more secrets than water and it has its own timing of when it will release them all.

© V's Says