

Ep 1 How they met
There was a king who was very wise and truthful king. He was Xavier . He wanted a queen who would be beautiful and love him. One day xavi er went to the outskirts of the country. There were many forests . Xavier saw an extraordinary beautiful lady was roaming around. Xavier fell in love at the very first sight . Her name was Elizabeth and she was a 21 year old virgin girl. Xavier was a greek-god looking handshome . He didn't expect that Elizabeth would not like him . He confidently asked her . Xavier said "Will you be my queen ?" . Elizabeth was a little shocked and she was alone at that time . She thought how come a stranger will fall in love with her . She felt ashamed and ran into the forest . But Xavier also ran and catched her . She suddenly screamed . But xavier's hand was on her mouth . What happened next? I am going to tell you in the next episode . Byeee....See you soon!!
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