

48 Hours
Chapter One The Contest. Once upon a time there was this school the Alabama Public School and the Principal was not running the school 3 Students are running the school Stasy Burnis Sarah Snow and the one that really runs the school is Sofia Parker. So one day we had a assembly and Stasy Sarah and Sofia walk in and said "hi HELLO hi so my Daddy said that i could invite 3 friends to come with me to the hontied machion for 24 hour" after the akward silents Sofia said "we will do a contest that only girls can do but only one of you will win because i already picked 2 to come Stasy and Sarah bye BYE" everyone "bye". Contest day Sofia Said "Lets start inny miney mo"that inny minney mo went on for al long time till there was 10 people left and i was one of those people that was not picked i was so happy. So now we are at 5 people and these contest are so long i would rather die then play this im feel weird i feel sorry for them. Then out of no where there was a gun shot and a bulet it a student and everyone ran inside. Then the teachers said "it is are turn to take over ok" Sofia said "ok m to young and pretty to die" Teachers said "ok everyone test your love ones and tell them what is happening and dont talk" it was so scarry but Sofia did not stop. Chapter 2 Coming Soon