

Another world I see in the shadows or Spirit
This place I visit I can see a version of me I suppose. Its said by some to be full of light. I am finding it's full of light yes but not just one color is shade. My space I just want to feel safe. This woman I see watches over me in a way I would say. I see her kiss my head and tell me if someone is approaching. It's scary though to me because I have no direct knowledge I feel I can trust except this woman who fights off these monsters I can see but would not know how to describe. I feel the presence when they enter near my space. I hold my heart and say to this woman you are brave you are strong you are loved and love always wins. I hold onto my faith in this loving pressence I feel but i cant see just praying and believing even though this space I'm seeing or what I a thinking I am who knows. God wouldn't be saving me would he? Is the holly spirit not trying to hurt me but show me this meaning of having faith. Spirit this shit is scary and makes me question everything about what to believe and yet I'm finding I am seeing you are rescuing me. Fighting off my shadows and giving me life but what I am still learning is why are you showing this through an image of me? are you not a tall man with a beard or at least I thought at one time you were a man not a woman? Spirit why is this journey to my faith so painful and confusing. I dont see you as an evil shadow or at least I didnt think I did. Your pressence I just want to feel worthy in.
[If you ever feel this way I encourage you not to loose faith] I cant speak for you but in my heart I wanted to share that loving message to you 💗
Looks like I'm going down another rabbit whole again. will this journey ever make sense?
This woman I hear her sing in my home her voice Is raspy and i dont see her in a body. Her pressence doesnt seem to bother me though i dont understand why she is near. Are there spirits everywhere and if so how will we know if they hold you in there heart or if it's another shadow lingering in the dark?
You say to go after that one sheep over the 99 of the heard everytime to save that lost one every time. That your heart is always open your love is there always just waiting so why me spirit why would you choose to save me and why cant I see these answers. I feel I heard you say not yet but you do. Is this spirit speaking to my heart or am i always going to just be lost in the dark?

I didnt think I was this lost what am I missing diving really deep but I dont want to be lost.

This is part of my spirtual journey and no it's not always pretty and filled with a sense of I am God lead me tell your future awakening. It is past that if you choose to look deeper and this is the part I found relates to what I have heard as a spirtual soul retrieval it's not something someone just says will be pulled back from another space they see or maybe it is for someone else but in my exspierence these layers to finding rediscovering my faith is not something someone can give me or take away when you do the work and see through your own eyes and feel with your heart.

This journey if you will is different for everyone I'm sure but this is as you can see just me sharing my exspierence through me.
© LS