

Untouchable book chapter six
I texted my Lee that I would be there in half an hour before I started driving. Unfortunately, when I took my mom's car to go visit my boyfriend the construction got me. I went flying over the windshield and rolled in 6ft of gravel as my mom's brand new honda civic went flying over the gravel thank god for her full coverage insurance. I wasn't far from home, maybe 2 miles. There were no signs and I wasn't the most experienced driver. The truck in front of me was a big truck and I couldn't see over him. I went flying over a gravel pile that had no sign and that covered half of the road. I was wearing my seatbelt but it malfunctioned. It must have been a factory default. I was ejected from my seat. The people inside the houses came out and grabbed my phone. They called 911. And they sent an ambulance my way but first they had to call my mother.

"Hey, I'm just going to inform you, your daughter Kylie was in an accident and she is on the road with a road rash. You should get here as soon as you can. It felt like hours before my mom got there. There I was lying in the roadway with a scratch on my face. Blood on my camouflage pants and socks ripped through. My neck hurt, my elbow and my ankle. It was nearly 12 and I was still lying in the road, thank god it wasn't a busy road there. The vehicle wasn't totalled but it was pretty banged up. Then the ambulance arrived. I was in shock and my hands would not stop trembling. I had gravel burrowed in my right hand elbow and bruises on my thighs and my ankle hurt. When you're in shock it feels like forever before medical personnel gets there. Time just goes by so slow. It was 2 days before my birthday and there I was lying blood dripping off my elbow on the not yet paved road.

"Hey, Kylie, it's me Lee it's almost 12:10 and you're not here. You're punctual normally. Did something happen?" Love, Lee.

"Hey, Kylie, it's me Lee again and its almost 12:20...sorry about bugging you but are you okay?"

Lee drove to my house or close to it to the road I had crashed. What he saw was a paved rough gravel road. They had cleared it up. He knew something was up.

He called me "Hey, Kylie. Where are you"

"Hey, Lee. This is Mrs.Smith. Kylie and I are in the emergency room."

Lee whipped his car around and sped off towards the hospital going 60 miles per hour in a 35 mph speed zone.

"His friend Alexander took the phone and continued talking, I'm sorry but we gotta go. The doctor is coming in" my mom said

"Okay, so what brings you here."

"My daughter Kylie has crashed my car.....and managed to roll in gravel I just want her checked out and bandaged up"

"Okay, so it looks like she has quite a few lacerations, with gravel embedded in her arm. We're going to have to use alcohol and a bit of water to soak it so we can give you stitches."



"Okay, is there anyway you don't have to do water?"

"I'm sorry ma'am, but with your daughter's arm we need to use the water to make it easier and less painful"

"Okay, my daughter does not want to be seen!"

"Just letting you know, if your daughter does end up in more pain and she has something broken, we can't be held reliable and that this is against medical advice. I mean your daughter might actually lose tendon usage in that arm, and she could possibly bleed out since her skin is so damaged in the olecranal area."

"My daughter has Aquagenic Urticaria"

"I'm sorry ma'am can you explain what that is!?"

"Allergy to water"

"Oh, okay"

"What we can do is stitch her up and use alcohol, I mean it will be painful, but what other choice does she have. I can add lidocaine so it doesn't hurt so much as it numbs that area."

"Ok, I understand"

They gave me 4 stitches in that area and x-rayed my neck, elbow and ankle. I had sprained all of the areas in which I felt pain.

It was so hard to walk out of the hospital because my ankle and my elbow and I was wearing a neck brace because of the pain. I wanted so bad to go to the cowabunga water park on the outskirts of Vegas for my birthday, but I couldn't go in. Not only because of aquagenic urticaria, but because of my injuries. I had surran wrapped my arm to take showers and prevent it from falling off, but all I felt was pain because not only is my bare skin exposed to water but so is my bloodstream. It burned. I met Lee at the McDonald's that he worked at and when I limped my way in and up the sidewalk they had and made it into the store. My mom held the door open for me. I walked over by Lee to see him crying and in stress because of my accident he was so happy to see me and he hugged me like I've never been hugged before. I was finally so happy to be embraced the way he showed me.

"Mom I know I said I wanted to go to cowabunga bay, but what I really want to do is go fishing in Wisconsin where I used to go on summer break for my birthday" as long as I could remember every year I would go to wisconsin and go fishing until my disease got in the way.

"Ok, Kylie, but what about Lee?"

"Lee can go with us, can't he?"

"Sure I guess"

"Can I bring my buddy Evan?" asks Lee


"You know at least I got one of my boys with me"

"Yes, you can but no being stupid"

"No promises" he said while smirking at me

"ROAD TRIP" shouted Evan from a distance

My birthday was memorable not only because of my accident but because of the people who helped me through it. Lee had his other friend Evan come along to help me walk my way around. The next few days they went fishing off the rocks and I watched them. My mom wanted me to take a picture next to them and they gladly did. I felt that Lee's arm was firm against my shoulder and Evan stood awkwardly holding a fishing pole in his hands. Evan was wading through the waves. Lee wanted me to go into the water with him but I refused. I had an excuse because I was injured so Evan understood. I hope that Lee will keep my secret. I don't want to be called "Fraidy Waidy" again. After they were done being boys they dried off and we went to the nearest favorite store, Walmart.

"Lee, Lee. they have boyfriend and girlfriend shirts!"

"Oh, no!!"

"Please Lee it's my birthday!?"

"Ok, I guess"

That was one of our symbols of love we kept throughout all the years together "I <3 my boyfriend and girlfriend shirts"

As the sun set we headed back to the hotel we stayed at

"Happy Birthday buttercup I love you, you know that right?"

I thought to myself "how could I get so lucky, to be loved by such arms, to be cared for by such a wonderful man"

"Me too Lee, me too." i said admirably

I saw the way my mom looked at me. Like she was scared to lose me or something. Like she has the most perfect life, I thought maybe me loving somebody else would be a good thing...maybe not.