

Magic Wizards Ep 6:Closer and New Threats (Part 7)

Today's Read: Filled with Intenseness and a shocking moment! What will be the outcome of all of this? If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Ep 6:Closer and New Threats.

It was moments later in the class. Rege stared at the time for a minute, hoping and wishing it would go faster. But they still had about half an hour left in the class.

"Quit starring at the time. It's not gonna go any faster." Rj whispers and goes back to doing his work.

Rascals watches Tank who was sitting watching the class but mostly the Wizards. He eventually got up and walked around. With being so distracted by what the Wizards were doing, Tanner turns around and gives a student a piece of crumpled up paper. He was about to be up to no good.

"Here, throw this at me." he whispered. The student looked confused. Why did Tanner want them to do that?? Instead, he just shook his head.

"Nevermind then." He carefully eyed towards Tank who was still watching the Wizards. Should he do what he was thinking knowing that Tank had been watching the Wizards almost this whole time?! Finally after a minute, he cleard his throat.

"Sir, someone threw this at me. I think it was Quincy." He said looking at him.

Quincy looked up from doing his work confused.

"Yeah you, don't lie. Look," he says opening up the paper. It had said his name on it.

He continued to look confuse, then at Tank not really trying to buy into Tanner's trouble. Tank eyed Quincy. He knew Quincy did no such thing, but still...maybe it was his time to get back at him.

"Well Quincy...look at you. Is that how you act when the real teacher is here?" he spoke.

"I don't what your talking about." Quincy said after.

"He didn't do anything." Rege jumped in after him.

By now, they both knew Tank knew Quincy did nothing. This was just another one of his ways to mess with them, of course. But why? Tank starred at Quincy for a minute, Quincy starred back already annoyed. You could feel the tension. What was he thinking?

"You, you stay out of this." Tank said with a bit of attitude facing Rege. "As for you. Get up...im writting you up i think."

The class was shock. "Can he do that if he's a sub?" A random student asked.

"Yes. he can, but not like this. Quincy don't listen." Rj said.

Quincy looked at Rascals and his friends trying to figure out what to do. He was already fed up with Tank. If only he weren't in school now, and more over if only he weren't around students who knew nothing about their Magic. He would show Tank a thing or two. Without thinking, he got up with both of his hands out. Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes and opened them. He faced Rj, who was now nervous, he shook his head to what Quincy was about to do.

Tank smirked. "Do you have something you wanna do?" Forgetting that there was other students there besides the Wizards. Quincy didnt speak but kept his position firm, leaving the other students anxious about what was about to happen. Were they about to fight?

He slowly beagan to walk up to Quincy, but Quincy wasn't scared. Instead, he just waited for him to walk over. Step...step...he was getting closer. Until of of a sudden...Oof! Rege had got up, drawing Madison's attention and the whole class.


He didn't hear anything. The Tension was building. Now they were both up. Quincy was slowly starting to calm down and realized that this wasn't worth it. He looked over at Rege who was now angry. He knew that look on Rege's face. "Rege, look listen to me, let's sit down...its not worth it. This is all part of his plan. We're better than this. Are you listening?"

Rege still wasn't listening. Madison watched anxiously. Quincy looked at Madison forgetting who was still getting closer to him slowly. Not realizing Tank had caught up to him, he was grabbed by the shirt, gripping with his hand tight.

"Rege NO!!!" Rj yelled getting out of his sit...but it was too late. Rege pushed Tank sending him flying to the ground with a big force. Quincy bumped into his desk almost falling as well. Luckily he was okay. Eccept for Tank,standing back up, he was furious! He looked around then without thinking...he ran up to Rege..war was now on right in the middle of class. (To be continued...)

#Mystery #Thriller #Suspense #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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