

To my love.
#WritcoPrompt #WritcoStoryChallange

To my love,

I know art knows no boundaries and that words are magic, I want to experiment today to reach out to you. This time, I want to transcend life. I want to call out to you in the realm no one has ever returned from. The realm beyond reach. Your realm.

It is saturday evening again. The birds are chirping with the love of their lives once again, after a long day, in their welcoming homes. The sun is veiling himself again so that his celestial love can show the world her cresentic smile in the twilight. It will soon be dark and her glitter shall stay all night for lovers to daze into and meet each other in the magic that overshadows all concepts of distance.

I have not missed it once and here I am today, again with another rose. It is all the same cherry red and full of fragrance, waiting outside for your warm clutches. But just like the ones nearby, this flawless facade shall too express destined despair.

Time has been a worthy friend. I fought inside about why I could not buy you more time so that you would be protected in my embrace. It was him who told me that I shall join you soon, so it is absurd to worry. Even though everyone comes to this world in an orderly fashion, the chain of death is as much disordered and misarranged. Death does not count time. It is time to rejoice. My hair are turning white, telling me I am getting closer to go feets underground.

With every passing day, I feel more lively with life decaying inside. Sometimes, I hallucinate to see you in the winds embrace. I feel your nurturing warmth with every kiss from the sun. I slip away into dreams because reality is a nightmare. It has become a sleep from which I shall soon awaken. Time will be my worthy friend.

I wonder what your realm is like. Are your windows open too? Are you waiting for my bad voice to echo around too? I believe it will have lush green fields and rocky canyons. We will travel everywhere, together. We will complete our incomplete map of travels and vlogs. There will be harmonious tunes and we will dance together, circling around a late night bonfire. Or is it a realm dark and gloomy where you and I will be alone, just like this world.

I think it is time to leave. They are going to close the gates. I will be seeing you again next saturday. It will be the same time at which you left my arms once and yet, on repeat. Do come and knock at the windows. I will let you shine our home again. I wish my ink reanimates all these roses in the chambers of your grave.

Forever yours.
© unexpressed