

Colors of Existence
Let's keep things as they are, without adding shades of misunderstanding. The universe is nothing but a beautiful array of unique colors, representing the existence of life.

The one who has lost something,
Knows the deep, aching pain of losing.

The one who has won,
Understands the immense hard work behind every victory.

The one who is broken,
Appreciates the profound value of tears.

The one who laughs truly,
Knows the full meaning of life.

The one who is hungry,
Understands the true value of food.

The one who never started,
Is haunted by the fear of failure.

The one who is ready to start,
Is eagerly looking for encouragement.

The one who has failed,
Recognizes the critical importance of perseverance.

The one who forgives,
Comprehends the powerful healing that comes with forgiveness.

The one who listens,
Appreciates the immense strength of understanding.

The one who dreams,
Knows the breathtaking beauty of imagination.

The one who helps others,
Understands the pure joy that comes from giving.

Cherish your journey. The light to life is nowhere but in your heart. Live life to the fullest with purity. Shine every moment with love and gratitude. Breathe the simplicity of being.

© Suh